

The patient information management system helps in maintaining the record of the patients and their medical history throughout the life. The staff can get the details of the medical history of patient and can cure him for the current disease because the health is interlinked with the type of diseases which has debilitated the patient’s health.

The patient gets sick due to many reasons including bad food, unhygienic situations, weather changes and many more. The diseases attack the immune system of the body and make it impuissant. There are some diseases which are communal and spread through touch and air born.

This system helps the staff of the hospital to access the historical files of the details including the patient’s health and the types of diseases he has faced in the past. This will give the idea to the doctor whom they are dealing with. Sometimes the patient may become sick due to eccentric routine and eating habits.

The doctors can treat the patient by analyzing the body temperature and how the body responds to various types of medicines after taking certain tests of the body. The system also helps the doctor to maintain their records and salary structure along with the leave policies.

The staff can access the files of the patients and transfer it to the doctors so that they can treat the patients well enough. This system also provides features to the patient to pay the charges online. The doctors are assigned to the particular patients as per the disease from which he is suffering currently. It also gives an idea to the staff to manage the patient’s bed with other patients or to isolate him.

The system helps in managing the data of the actors who responded in this system like the doctors, nursing staff, and the patients. There are many patients who visit the hospital daily therefore to engage them and to make sure that their data is to be recorded in the database of the system, the admin manages the system exhaustive

The doctors can also update their respective data and the type of work they have done in a particular day to be submitted to the higher authority after briefing about the report daily. The doctors and the Managing staff work simultaneously to uphold the process and take care of the patients punctiliously.

Current System

The current system is very hectic and consumes time to showcase the details of the medical history provided by the patient. The system is manual and requires physical labor to search any kind of history from the papers in the documents room. The patient also needs to take care of the prescriptions he has got in the past visits to the doctor.

After the time being, the doctors also required the previous prescription of the patient they are dealing with currently because many times the same disease occur and enervates the immune system of the patient. Consequently, the medical prescriptions of the patient are indispensable to be keeping safe whenever he visits the doctor.

The encumbrance is loaded on the staff and their work is compromised by tagging along the extra work of taking care the patient’s files in the store room. The system is obsolete and requires technological advanced system which can take care of the data to be retrieved at any point of time

Expected System

The proposed system is customizable as per the desideratum of the hospital and the staff members so that their work can be abated by the system. The system is capable enough to load the data of the daily transaction of the patient who visits the hospital.

The admin is the head of the system that manages the system and makes ascertain to run it error free. The system provides the necessary options to every actor according to their need in the interface. The medical staff can facilitate their accounts along with their daily routine work and send it to the admin in the form of a brief report. It also provides a weekly and monthly report on the substratum of the work done in a particular period.


The patient can facilely check his medical history after logging into the account. He can also see the type of medicines he got at the time of sickness in the past and also the remedies he has followed at that time for a specific disease which reappeared now. The system itself engenders a different account containing the type of disease if a person gets first time and then it thoroughly add the remedies in that particular section if the patient’s body  reattempt.



Entity Relationship Model

  1. Admin:

The admin is the head of the system that controls at and provides the system necessary information to be travelled in the interlinked entities along with their attributes. The system is vast enough that sometimes the authority provides more than one person as the admin entity therefore this entity save the account of admin and secures the data of the account. All the other actors and their accounts are sublime by the admin entity. The required attributes of this entity are as follows:

  • Admin_ID:  The System adds an Identity Number along with the account of the admin which is saved in this attribute.
  • Name: The Name of every admin entity is saved in this attribute because the account is entitled with the name of the particular person.
  • Contact No.: There are many times when it is necessary to connect with the admin to convey him the message regarding any problem or error occurs in the account buy any actors therefore it is necessary to save the contact number in this attribute.
  • Email Address: The admin is to be connected through the email address pretentious that the actors must have a written proof of every conversation.


  2. Patients:

The patients are the people who are suffering from any kind of disease at any point of time. Some patients have medical history of the same type of disease which needs to be written in the system for future prospects. This entity save the patients detail in a different accounts registered by the patient’s himself in which they can also see their medical history, prescriptions of the doctors. The related attributes are discussed below:

  • Patient_ID: Every new patient is provided with a Unique Identity Number which is the serial number of every patient.
  • Name: There are many patients who got hospitalized when they becomes sick therefore this attribute save their name.
  • Contact No.: The patients contact number is saved in this attribute for any kind of medical emergency.
  • Email Address: The patients also provide their email address so that the staff can send the prescription and bill along with the alerts on their email address.
  • Age: The age of every patient is saved in this attribute because the amount of medicine is to be given on the basis of their age.
  • Disease: The type of diseases a particular patient has suffered is saved in this attribute.
  • Medical History: The patient’s medical history along with the prescription is saved in this attribute.
  • Doctor Assigned: Every patient is assigned to a particular doctor whose details are saved in this attribute.


 3. Diseases:

There are many types of diseases which are classified as per their nature in Medical Journal. This entity separates the account of various types of diseases along with their details to provide necessary precautions to the patients when they come into the hospital suffering from a particular disease. It also saves the data of the type of prescriptions to be given to the patients. It is helpful in providing a good care to the patients. The related attributes are as follows:

  • Disease_ID: The system attaches an identity number with each type of disease and save their data in this attribute.
  • Name: The medical terminology has provided the name of diseases on the basis of their nature and occurrence in human body.
  • Treatment: This attribute saves the data of the treatment to be provided if a patient comes into the hospital suffering from a particular disease.
  • Affected Patients: The number of patients to be affected by a particular disease is saved in this attribute.
  • Nature: The nature of every disease is different on the basis of that a particular remedies to be followed by the doctors.


  4. Hospital:

There are many hospitals which are attached with the system and this entity holds the data of every Hospital in a particular account. It also contains the details of hospital and its medical staff in order to verify and preoccupy the hospital size in case of any emergency. Hospitals provide full time facility to the patients and cure them with better care. Related attributes are as follows:

  • Hospital_ID:  Every Hospital has given a Unique Identity in the number which is tagged along with the account of the particular Hospital.
  • Name: The hospital is registered as per the name which is decided by the owner of the hospital.
  • Contact details: The hospitals reception number and any other personal number are provided in this attribute to be connected at any time of an emergency.
  • Location: The exact address and the location of the hospital are saved in this attribute to track down the hospital in case of any emergency.
  • Personnel Size: The amount of medical staff which is present in a particular Hospital is saved in this attribute.


  5. Doctors:

The doctors can make the individual account in the system and upload their data and it. They can get their regular roster of their work along with the patient’s details to be attended in a particular day. They can also get the details of their salary and leaves policy along with the early payment to be done in their account.  They can even access the accounts of the assigned patient. The doctors can send report of the particular patient through the system to the admin and the respective patient. The related attributes are discussed below:

  • Doctor_ID: The Identity in number which is unique for every doctor is attached with their accounts for bifurcation.
  • Name: The name of every doctor which is legalized is saved in this attribute to operate their account security.
  • Contact No.: The doctors contact number need to be in the system to connect them at the time of emergency with any patient.
  • Specialization: There are many types of doctor which are the specialized in a particular field of anatomy related to human body.
  • Shift: The Doctors work in a particular shaped which is rotational as per their need in the hospital which is saved in this attribute.


   6. Staff:

The staff managed the whole system along with taking care of the queries raised by the patients in the meantime. This entity holds the account of the staff members in which they share their related work and personal data to be keep safe in this entity. That can anyone access the patient’s files from their account in case if needed. The attributes of this entity are discussed below:

  • Staff_ID: The management provides system ID to every staff member it is also attached with their account.
  • Name: The name of the staff members is saved in this attribute to bifurcate their accounts from each other and safeguard them.
  • Contact No.: The staff members are registered contact number is saved in attribute to connect them if needed by the admin are the doctors.
  • Email Address: The staff members usually use email address to have a valid conversation with the admin, doctors and with the patients as well.
  • Staff Type: The medical staff is of different types for example nurses, doctors, ward boys and cleaners.
  • Shift: The hospital is open 24 hours therefore the shift of the staff members is divided as per their schedule and Roaster.

User Interface Diagram


The first page which appears while accessing the account by any actor is the login page which provides the space to enter the credentials by which the account of a particular actor is sustained. It also provide some special features like forgot password and the registration for the new users who are accessing the system first time. The color and display of the login page is different for every actor but the type of information they provide is same and distinct at the same time.


The admin is the head of the system therefore his dashboard contains all the type of tabs through which we can access the accounts of any actor and manipulate the data inside it. The admin manage the system therefore he gets the access of all kinds of options. His account is very secured and authorized by the registered personals only. It can connect with any other actor through his account and also to give instructions at the time of need.



The patients can access the system by registering for the first time and login for the next time. The patients can get the history of their diseases along with the other information like the disease type, remedies provided by the doctors, prescriptions of the medicines. The patient can even pay for the amount which is charged to him by the hospital also include in the medical and doctors fees as well.


Doctors / Staff:

The interface of the doctors and staff are pretty similar. They can access their account by logging into the system and do the necessary changes. They can also get the roster of the week and alert at their phone for a particular meeting schedule to wipe with the patient. The doctors and the staff can also see their salary and leave deduction of a particular month and that can also raise a query to the management if the find any fault in it.



The system also holds the details of all type of diseases and the remedies to be provided at the time of emergency along with the doctor who have performed with that surgery. The type of the diseases is many and they are different in their nature of occurrence. Some occurs due to community spread and some are air borne diseases which are spread through air like cold and cough. It provides necessary information to the medical staff to handle the patient coming with a certain type of disease.



The system also provides the information about the treatment to be done at the time of a particular patient come in the hospital suffering from a particular disease. The interface also provides the necessary tabs through which a doctor or nursing staff can easily access those files if any other type of patient who has recovered a time ago. 


The doctors and the nursing staff added the amount of work they have done in a particular day and provide a brief record to the admin. The reports are collected by the admin which shows the graph of inclination of the hospital and the type of patients which come in a particular month.

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