

The cargo system sanctions a user to convey his items from one place to another which he has chosen for assignment. Sometimes the user wants to move aeonianly from one place to another due to various reasons now he has to also move his household things which are needed to be transported in time for safe migration.

The transportation options are available as per the desideratum and type of transport needed by the user. The mode of transport is by truck on roads, by ships in water, and by airplane in air. It is also advisable to optically discern first the type of transport to be used by the user as the price and charges are correspond to the mode and vehicle used for transportation.

It is also depending upon the type and size of items a person need to transport from the domestic place to other. The air transport is expeditious, requires less time as it costs much than the other modes. Same as with the water and land transport. The best and low cost mode is by the trucks which is less costly and transport safely.

But the heftily ponderous items are transported by the water through ships. Ships are good designates of transport not only for domestic items but also used for military and other industrial machineries and implements. It is auxiliary in transporting among countries through water ways. The technically advanced time has peregrinate where the countries are moving fast paced.

There are certain points where the expedient of transport carry consequentiality for certain aspects to deal with the required circumstances. The cargo system is legitimate and sustains the mobility to undergo hard practices to provide services according to the need of the user.

The other points are as follows:

Current System

The current system depends on the vehicles which are not capable enough to transport the shipment on time. If we verbalize with convey cumbersomely hefty machineries then it would be split into diminutive components and then transport though trucks or railways. The cargo is not traceable and there is no record of the shipment as the train takes many days to reach the destination and also he runs on track only.

The cargo management is arduous with the current system as there is no felicitous coordination and the user if wants to book the cargo he doesn’t have a system capable enough to book from his location. The agents make astronomically immense profit in between this process by providing hefty services because the user doesn’t have erudition about it.

People need to wait certain days to get their shipment ready for advent through railway or truck. Also sometimes there is possibility to lost in transit of the times provided the safety measures. The items may be fragile and due to land surface they might get crack and hampered therefore a central system is needed to flow the process in a manner.

Required System

The proposed system is the requisite of the hour, in this system the user first register himself from his place and book items for shipment at his address irrespective of the distance he can book from anywhere. The ship owner is also registered in this system that provides his services to transport the items to the sourced destination.

The user first mention the type, size and dimension of the items and then book the shipment accordingly, the system showcase the total amount which is bearded by the user paid through the system by online process, it also include the system service charges as well. The shipment can be booked from same country and from different country as the cargo will be move from water ways in the ships.

The admin takes care of the whole process and make sure that it runs smoothly without any error. The shipment is loaded in the ship with full care and packaged so that it won’t get crack of damage in transit. The system is capable to handle multiple sources of shipment with precision.



Entity Relationship Model


The entity relationship model clarifies the relation among many entities which are containing various details but they are a part of the system therefore they are interlinked through this model. The system is complex but to make it understandable the use of entity and attributes are necessary so that the simple person can also see and understand the flow of data into the system and controlled by the admin. The entities are explained below:


  1. Admin:

This entity is the whole sole of the system that controls the form of the data and helps in maintaining the error free system for smooth functioning. The admin provides necessary support in the system. The admin might be more than one therefore they can manage their personal account in this entity without any hassle. The related attributes of this system are:

  • Admin_ID: The system provides unique ID number to each entity and the number is stick to the account till it remains in the system.
  • Name: The admin accounts are maintained by the name of them therefore this attribute holds the name of every admin personnel.
  • Contact No.: The connection with admin through the call is necessary at some point therefore it is needed to be available in the system through this attribute.
  • Email Address: The official conversation with the admin is done through the email address of the admin which is saved in this attribute for presentation.


2. User:

The user is the person who books the shipment for transferring his items to his place at the time of shipment he has the details of the booking as well as the upcoming shipment. The user manage his account in this entity as there are many users who are registered in the system and avail the services of shipment to their residence, therefore it is necessary to ensure the security of the accounts details. The related attributes of this entity are:

  • User_ID: The system generates a number distinct enough for each user which is stick to the account and helps at the time of login.
  • Name: The user accounts are registered on the person’s name which is saved in this attribute for managing purpose.
  • Contact No.: The connection with the user at the time of need is done tho4rguh the phone number which is saved in this attribute.
  • Email Address: The user gets information of the shipment on his official email address and also he can raise any alert which is forwarded to the admin.
  • Qualification: The user qualification is save here, what he has done and in which profession he has worked to access his payment level.
  • Booking Status: The user book more than one shipment in which some are delivered and some are in progress which is shown here actively.


 3. Items:

The items are selected by the users which needed to be shipped at their home area or town by the means of transport. This entity provides details of various items to be available in the market for selling and buying which are choose by the users therefore they book the shipment as per the type and size of the items sometimes the antiques are great in size which needed big shipment cargo. The attributes of this entity are:

  • Item_ID: The items are tagged with a batch number provided by the system for security purpose and it is also saved in this attribute.
  • Name: The name of the item is fixed and saved here as per the size, quality and variety of it, sometimes the demand also impact it.
  • Dimension: The item comes in various dimensions which are needed to be calculated for booking the transport as per the space to be taken by the items.
  • Quantity: The user may book more than one items for his household, which information is saved here as the detailed unit.
  • Weight: the weight of the item in kilogram is weighted before the shipment to understand the ship to be used as per the necessity.
  • Price: The items are stick with the fixed price at which the user buys apart from this he also pays the shipment fees and dock charges.
  • Description: This attribute showcase the details of the items to be availed for shipment like fragility, sensitiveness, or how to carry instruction so that the safety of the item can be ensured.
  • Ship_ID: This attribute reserves the ship identity number in which the items are being loaded for shipment and departure.



  1. Ship:

This entity holds the details of the ships that are attached with the system for transportation. It creates different accounts for every ship along with the details like their registration number, destination and starting point, time concluded for reaching, crew details etc. the admin verifies the details of the ship and ensure the safety and authority of the dockyard. The related attributes are displayed below:

  • Owner Details: The ship belongs to the owner whose details are saved in this attribute for safety purposes.
  • Ship Number: Every ship has given a number at which the registration is done, this attribute holds the number and attach it with the ships details.
  • Name: The ship has given a name either by the company or by the owner at which it is registered in the courtyard office.
  • Size: The ship size is defined in the register of the marine council for safety precautions and needed at the time of crisis.
  • Starting Point: The ship starts from a particular dock which is the starting point of the ship as mentioned already in the papers and decided by the sailors.
  • End Point: The destinations and the points where the ship will go is already decided as per the type of shipment it needed to deliver at the particular destinations.



  1. Shipping:

The shipping entity holds the value of the shipping details of the various people who have booked it and provided to be shipped within time frame. The shipping accounts access the information of the description of the items to be packed safely and ready for departure after loading on the ships by the dock vehicles. It also saves the information of the receiving personnel to where the shipment has to be reached and to connect with whom person. The attributes are as follows:

  • Description: The shipping details and the description of the item it holds inside is written on the outside to care with handle for loading unloading.
  • Quantity: The numbers of items which are ready to be shipped are mentioned here, the number of items can be more than one.
  • Items: The items which are booked for shipping are entertained here, and the details of the related entity are also showcase.
  • Source destination: The shipping requires a destination point at which the parcel should be delivered within time is added in this attribute.
  • Time: The shipping requires a certain time frame in which the item is loaded and travelled to the source destination and delivered at the point of receiver.



  1. Ship Owner:

The ships are owned by the people who are interested in this business of shipment. The owner details are also important to be present in the database of the system for authentication if in the future any mishap happens and to verify it with the registered one present already in the database. The ship owner details are authentic and thoroughly checked regularly by the admin. The attributes are as follows:

  • Owner_ID: The owner is registered to the marine dock and takes the license to drive it. Which is saved in this attribute?
  • Name: The name of the owner is registered in the booklist of the dock, and also mentioned in this attribute for the account summary.
  • Email Address: The official email address of the owner is necessary for the conversation regarding the shipment and the ships.
  • Contact No.: The phone number of every ship owner is saved in this attribute to contact him regarding any point and emergency.
  • Residence: The authentication process requires the residence address of the owner for trust and verification process.
  • Ship Ownership: The owner owns more than one ship whose details are save din this attribute for long time.

User Interface Diagram


The initial page opens at the starting is the login page, this interface is same for all the actors apart from some will get additional features like, forgot password option and registration feature for new people who wants to be a part of the system. There are certain points where the interface links with each point to flow the data in the system.



The login page escalate to the dashboard page which contains the options deep enough to tackle the hierarchy of the data into the system. It is customizable and different for other actors as per their need and requirements. The dashboard opens to other sub divided options to smooth the functioning of the system.


Items Booked:

The items are booked by the user for shipping and delivery. The user sees the types of items displayed in the system interface and chooses the best suitable items which he wants to buy and book for delivery. The interface provides online cart system to allocate the chosen one for departure.



The payment option is available in the interface of the user and the admin. The system provides online method to pay the amount for the items user will buy. The interface of the user showcase the total amount which he needs to pay including the system’s charges for services and the admin confirms it.



The shipping is done after the payment process completed by the user, the shipping is after done as per the size and other information of the items.



The shipping is delivered at the residence address provided by the user, it is given at the starting of the system account for confirmation and security.



The last process is the confirmation after that the particular ticket is closed in the system. The admin confirms it after verifying the process to be completed within time limit.

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