Every human being needs to do physical activity in order to maintain their physique in a good shape and to become salubrious. Sport is a very good method to do the physical exercise because there are so many types of sports which will increment the stamina of the person.
Every person will play this sport as per their interest and hobby depending upon the fact that whether they are playing it for fun or as a professional player. Depending upon the type of sport, variant of material is needed to play the sport and additionally to preserve the player as well.
A system is required from where all the items cognate to a particular sport are available so that the user can buy within time, and additionally he doesn’t require roaming the market. All the materials cognate to a particular sport are amassed together and make a kit of it. There are different sports will require variant of Kit.
The system will relegate the items as per the sport so that it will be salutary for the staff members to locate the kits for a particular sport if it is inductively authorized by any user. The user can withal pay the amount through the avail of the system.
Existing System
The people will purchase items required for a particular sport after probing for different shops in the nearby area. It is not always possible that the shop will keep all the items required to play a particular sport ergo the person has to visit other shops as well.
The system is very hectic and require so much physical labor in order to probe for a particular shop and it is withal a quandary that whether the shop keep the items required for the sport or not.
The data of the customer is withal maintained in the pen and paper mode by the staff members of the shop, it will increment their workload and they cannot manage all the data felicitously in order to preserve the data for longer time.
Current System
The sport good management system is capable enough to preserve all the data required to maintain a system which will avail every customer in order to find all the items cognate to a particular sport. It will avail the customer to filter out items depending upon the brand and size as per his cull.
Staff member workload will be availed by the system so that they can get the required kit for them because the information is available on the system about the rack in which the kit is located. The admin will manage all the functions and people of the system.
Entity Relationship Diagram

People usually play sport in order to maintain their physique and also if they have passion about any particular sport or hobby. It totally depends upon the interest of a single person what kind of sport he wants to play. Every sport has certain set of rules and they require different conditions to play. According to this, the material which is used to play that would is also different. All this information is linked together in the system which can be showcase by this diagram. Entities and their attributes which are significantly related in this system will provide data related to every user who is a part of the system. Admin will take care of all the users and maintained their account along with the queries which are raised by the user while using the system. Information will flow from one entity to another so that the system can be capable enough to maintain the database in a secure manner. The entities and their attributes are described below:
- Admin:
The whole system is managed by admin who is the key entity, the management has provided him all the authority to manipulate the data in the system in order to maintain the security of the system. Any user who is a part of the system if faces any problem, he will connect to the admin regarding any issue and the admin will provide sustainable solution to their problems. Entity will hold the personal details of the admin In which the admin can make a list of the work which needs to do every day and can get the information regarding the report provided by the user and the staff members. He is the key person to ensure if the system is working properly or facing any issue by the user. The related attributes are discussed below:
- Admin_ID: Every admin entity is sustained with an identity number provided by the system in a unique manner.
- Name: This attribute will save the name of the admin as per the documents provided by him to the management.
- Contact No.: The key entity is the admin therefore is contact number need to be saved in this attribute.
- Email Address: Admin will also provide his email address so that all the users of the system can connect with them.
2. User:
Every person will create an account in the system so that he can get the benefit of the material which he needs to play a particular sport by the shop. He will create an account in the system in which he provides his personal details. He can order different type of material from the sports shop which is necessary to play a particular sport by the user. The entity will manage different account of the user in the system so that their data can be stored safely in the database and will be helpful at the time of need in future. Admin will manage all the account of the user and provide them solution to all their queries. The user can also provide order to book the material which he wants to purchase from the shop. The related attributes are defined as:
- User_ID: Every single user who has an account in the system will provide with an identity number.
- Name: The user will provide his original name so that his account can be authenticated by the management.
- Contact No.: The user will provide his contact number so that anyone can connect with for any issue.
- Email Address: The user will provide his email address to have a conversation in an efficient manner.
- Type: This attribute will hold the information regarding the type of user whether he is a student or a professional
- Interested Sport: Every user is interested in a particular sport as per his interest which is saved in this attribute.
- Kit:
There are so many types of sports which are liked by all the people according to their personal interest. Sports can be played according to the defined set of rules and regulations which are different for all the sports therefore it is also necessary to have different kind of material to play a particular sport according to the nature of the sport which is called as kit. The kit will include all the required accessories to play a particular sport. This entity will hold the account of different type of Kit depending upon the sport for which it is needed by the users. The staff member will confirm that every kit will contain all the accessories required to play particular sport. This entity will also hold the information related to the location of the kit along with the user who will use the kit. The related attributes are defined below:
- Kit_ID: Every single kit which is available in the shop is identified by an identity number provided by the system.
- Other Sports Kit_ID: If the kit is used for different type of sport therefore this information is saved in this attribute.
- Cricket Kit_ID: If the particular kit is required for cricket Identity Number is saved in this attribute.
- User_ID: This attribute save the information related to the user who has booked a particular fit according to the sport.
- Ball_ID: Every kit will include different type of ball as per the type of sport therefore The Identity Number of balls is saved in this attribute.
4. Ball:
In every sport, different type of balls are used to play by the user depending upon the nature of sport and the material used to play. The size of ball is also different depending upon the sport for which it is used. This entity will hold all the information related to the ball by making different account as per their type and size. It also includes the data related to the color and brand to which the ball is manufactured any company. It will also provide information related to the rack on which a particular ball is placed so that that staff member will not face any problem to find any ball for a particular kit. Related attributes are defined below:
- Ball_ID: Every single ball is attached with the serial number provided by the system to save their information.
- Brand: Balls are manufactured by different brand therefore their information needs to be saved in this attribute.
- Color: It is totally depend upon the type of sport to play with the ball as per particular color.
- Price: Every ball will mention a particular price which is depending upon the material and quality used to manufacture it.
- Size: This attribute will define the size of the ball according to the sport for which it is used.
- Supporting Game: Balls are manufactured for different type of sports which is saved in this attribute.
- Rack No.: The balls are kept on a particular rack by the staff member it is saved in this attribute.
5.Cricket Kit:
Cricket it is a type of sport which is most popular among every age group. There are so many fans of the cricket, and every person is interested in playing cricket. This sport will require certain material from which the Sport can be played along with me material used to safeguard the person while playing cricket. All this material is keep in a particular kit which is ready to be purchased by the user. The kit will contain Ball, bat, stamp, and all the gear to protect the user in order to play the cricket. This entity will also provide information related to the location at which the kit is placed by the staff members so that it can be found in no time. The related attributes are defined below:
- Cricket Kit_ID: Every single kit of cricket is attached with an identity number provided by the system.
- Type: There are different types of kits available to play cricket depending upon the interest of the user.
- Rack No.: This attribute will hold the information related to write number on which the particular kit is located.
- Brand: It is manufactured by different brand and the information is saved in this attribute.
- Color: Some people will prefer different kind of color to purchase the kit as per their interest.
- Price: According to the material and the brand of a particular kit, there price are estimated.
- Size: The kits of cricket are available in different sizes as per the age of a user.
6. Other Sports Kit:
There are so many other types of sports which are liked by user as per their interest. On the type of sports will require different type of material to play a particular sport therefore the staff member will make different kit as per the items required by the sport to play along with protective gears for the user. This entity will hold the different account as per the kit of different sports Along with the place where staff member has put the kit on a particular rack. Admin manage all the detail related to the sports kit so that the user does not face any problem while finding it. The related attributes are described below:
- Other Sports Kit_ID: An identity number attached with all the kit available in a particular is store.
- Price: Depending upon the material which is used the manufacture of a particular kit, their prices are mentioned.
- Size: Different sports kits are available in different sizes as per their user age and height.
- Supporting Game: Attribute will define the game for which a particular kit is used by the user.
- Rack No.: This attribute will define the rack number on which the kit is located by the staff members.
- Brand: There are different brand who will manufacture the kit for different Sports.
User Interface Model

The user interface of sport good management system is created in a simplified manner so that the user can access his account and use the service of the system without any problem. The login page will be common for the entire user irrespective of their skill set and authority. Every new user whether it is a staff member or a player need to create an account in the system by using the registration option thereafter it will provide login credentials so that the user can access his account in future. The system also provides forgot password option for that user who has forgotten their login credentials.
Every user who is attached with the system this provided with the different options in his dashboard which will help him getting service of the system according to their skill set. The management will provide customizable option to each user according to the work they are doing authority which is provided to them. Only admin can access the account of other user because he is the primary identity. Other user can only view information in their account and can edit the information only related to their personal.
Kit selection:
The user will select the kit according to the sport in which he is interested. He can order from his account the type of kit he wants to purchase from the shop. It can refer to different variety and size of kit which are available in the shop.
· Cricket: The user can get the information related to the ticket available for the cricket sport. The variety can be shown on the interface of the user as per his interest and the filters he used to search different types of kits.
· Other Sports: Apart from cricket, there are there are so many whose kit is also available in the shop as per the demand of the users. They order different type of kits depending upon their level in a particular sport or their age.
Provide online option to the user so that he can pay the amount of the kit he has purchased to the owner with the help of his account in the system or else he can opt for cash on delivery option so that he can pay the amount when the delivery boy come at the user’s house. The system will show the estimated amount according to the items purchased by the user which needs to pay.
After selecting the kit by the user, interface will send this information to the admin for verification. After this process, the payment method is checked by the admin and if it is done the kit is available to deliver at the users address. At the end of the process, a confirmation email is sent to the user as well as the staff in order to keep the record.