Conveyance is an obligatory thing which is needed in day to day life to reach various places on time. As after the enhancement of the technology, people incline to utilize more time in working ergo they require to reach their destination within time and as expeditious as possible. Now the conveyances are getting more frugal and even lower-middle-class person can afford it so it is making more traffic on roads not only in metro cities but additionally in other areas of the world. In the current scenario, people now prefer public convey more often to peregrinate rather than their personal conveyance first it is cost efficacious and second it requires less time to reach your desired place.
In public convey, the most preferred is Buses. Buses are a good denotes of conveying, they are more frugal and can convey you in less time than other conveyances. They are facilely available on the ceases and people need not wait for longer durations additionally. They are good not only for shorter distances but also for long trips as well.
Buses are run by both the Government as well the private authorities in every city in which there are certain distinct buses are available as per the priority of the customers like- for shorter distances AC / Non-AC buses similarly, for longer durations Axle, Multi-Axle, Sleeper, Non-Sleeper buses are available, also they move intercity, interstates, and intercountry. Therefore, the charges vary from distance to distance and bus types also.
Currently, people need to book tickets prior to the peregrination and it offers seats as per first come first accommodate substratum withal you require to go to the travel office counter to book tickets.
But, our management system provides the opportunity and facility to book tickets as per customer’s requisite as many as he wants and additionally select seats of his personal comfort and choices. It doesn’t require you to go to the peregrinate office counter, you can book a ticket with the avail of the system or mobile from the proposed bus management system.
The Bus Management System provides information on the bus along with the contact details of the bus driver and conductor as well. It also gives you a navigation link so that you can track the bus at the time of your journey as it is also a safety feature for women passengers who are onboard.
There is a certain feature which needs to be highlighted:
- It provides seats as per the customer’s choice.
- It is time effective as it lesser the time needed to get a ticket by offline mode on lining up in a queue.
- The payment method of the reserved seats are very secure and reliable, a passenger can pay through digital mode.
- Helps in keeping a record of tickets booked by passengers, hence useful for the bus operator.
- No need to indulge in any misunderstanding about the price and charges of the tickets as the customer already have paid the price at the time of booking.
- Reduces cash transactions to clarify the traditional payment method as the tickets are booked online and payment is made digitally.
- Bus Management System is reliable, authentic, accurate, and feasible.
- It improves the working condition by automating the whole system.
Traditional Deposition:
Buses are started many times ago, people went to counters prior to book tickets and get the seats after standing in a queue for long hours. Several times due to human errors they face problems as there were chances of loss of ticket, other problems are like not getting a seat on an urgent basis as well as the seat which is required. The problems are not only faced by the customers but also by the bus operator as there was a lot of paperwork and human physical attention is needed. Every single transaction requires paperwork sometimes it created mistakes in allotting seats, getting payment, providing tickets, etc. There was no proper channel for this process without any error involvement.
If someone wants to go to a place he needs to first go to the Bus operator office to get the information about the buses whether running or not at the desired destination and also about the time of the bus as well as the onboarding points are also different. Overall a person has to visit the office many times before going on the journey. This method is very exhaustive and required much effort sometimes it required monetary emphasis as well.
Since the beginning of this system, the buses are taken care of by the bus owners and apart from that meanwhile in the journey, the driver and conductor were the caretakers of the bus. The conductor took the charge of distributing the tickets and taking the money as per the destination and provide a ticket made of paper which the passenger needs to safeguard till the entire journey. Even in the earlier days, a unique style coin of plastic was given as a token to the passengers whom they have to give back at the time of arrival. The conductor gathers the number of tickets one by one from the passengers which maximizes the probability of occurrence of errors either the lapse of any passenger’s ticket or in the means of payment collection. In recent times, conductors give tickets from the pocket-friendly hand machine which provides a slip type ticket mentioning the “to” and “from” of the places along with the date of journey and ticket price as per the destination distance.
These machines are lousy and require great human effort as the conductor needs to go to each passenger and repeat the loop every time. Generally, this process requires cash money from the passengers and sometimes creates havoc for the spares.
Certain demerits of this system are:
- It requires a great number of papers every day.
- Human efforts are needed efficaciously and provide a toll on the conductor.
- Not a cost-effective method and delays the process as it is needed to go to the office counter physically.
- Passengers need to keep the token/ ticket till the end of the journey.
Recommended System:
The Bus Management System allows the user to access the different types of buses as per his need therefore he can select the bus as required. It inputs the onboarding and destination place submission along with the required date. Now the payment method is also provided with safe transaction encrypt to ensure maximum safety of the payment.
The passenger needs to submit the details properly on the system to find the required bus as where he wants to go and from which pickup point, then he selects the date of the journey because this system allows you to book tickets of future dates also. After that it requires the passenger’s personal details like name, age, address, contact no., and choice of seat in the bus.
Then the system verifies and forwards to the payment gateway where the passengers could make the payment as it allows the credit, debit, internet banking, and UPI transaction whichever is done by the passengers.
This system also helps the Administrator or the bus operator to maintain the weekly / Monthly reports of sales therefore automated system improves productivity as well as requires fewer efforts.
The key points of this system are:
- The passenger needs to add his credentials only once thereafter this system will retain the information for future purposes also.
- This system requires lesser time to operate and therefore increases the productivity of the clerk.
- The system management is not complex any random person can search the buses and book the seats.
- It automatically generates daily bookings and creates a report every week and month wise.
- Provides secure and authentic server for online payment for better security.
Category | Minimum | Maximum |
OPERATING SYSTEM: | Windows 7 (stable) | Windows 10 and above |
ENVIRONMENT: | Visual Studio .NET 2006 | 2019 version 12.7 |
.NET FRAMEWORK: | Version 2.3 | Version 4.5.2 |
LANGUAGE: | Hypertext Processor (PHP), Structure Query Language (SQL), Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). | Eclipse Neon. |
Category | Minimum | Maximum | |
Windows | MAC OS X | ||
PROCESSOR: | Intel i-3 | Intel Core i5 and above ( Intel Core i7) | |
HARD DISK: | 500GB | 800 Gigabytes (GB)* | 128GB+Solid State Disk(SSD) with at least 20 GB of free disk space |
RAM: | 2GB | 8GB | |
Wired Networking: | Ethernet LAN Port or USB | Ethernet LAN Port or USB Ethernet Adapter/Dongle | |
Intra server | |||
Wireless Networking | 802.09g | 802.13ax |
Relationship Model:
Bus Management System holds the basic portfolio of minimizing the redundancy in the system through which the passengers were suffering till now. This system concludes the overall solution to every minute problems as well. So, the usefulness of this system comes to the light as the traditional system becomes obsolete where people need to visit the office physically and book tickets after inquiry. This proposed system handles all the relevant problems.
We have maintained an entity-relationship model to understand the features thoroughly. This diagram portrays the function of this system and basic linking with each attribute.
- Operator (Admin):
The operator is the person who takes care of the whole process as he gets the admin power to control the system. He’s the person who schedules the buses according to the hierarchy into the system and therefore responsible for overall activities.
- Name: This attribute holds the data of the name of the operator as there might be more than one operator who can use the system therefore it is needed.
- ID_Code: Every operator has a unique ID code that is given to them for security purposes, so this system retains it in this attribute.
- Credentials: The operator may be more than one so they need ID and passwords to login into the system. These credentials are unique for every operator.
- Shift: There are day and night shifts where the operator works in a particular shift as the buses run daily in the day as well as in night also. Therefore it is necessary to keep a record of the shift timing along with the operator.
Operators manage buses because there are numerous buses run daily of different types and for different destinations also the timing of each bus would be different so to keep a record of this, the bus management system helps in keeping this record automatically into the system and operator can easily manage the buses according to the situation.
- Buses:
This entity resumes a chart in which details of every bus is validated and transfers this information to the operator, driver, and passengers of that journey. This system holds the complete database of every bus where they are going, what’s their timing and information of the driver, conductor, and the on boarding passengers details as well.
Following are the attributes necessary for this entity:
- Bus No.: Every bus has allotted a unique number in order to distinguish it from other buses to manage them properly. This attribute lists all the numbers along with the respective buses.
- Fuel Capacity: Fuel-injected in the bus is calculated according to the size of the bus and the destination distance to where it is going. This attribute collects data on every bus’s fuel capacity so that there would be no need to calculate it further.
- Route: There are various types of buses run daily for a single destination. So it is mandatory to fix the route prior to the journey as it would be helpful for the passengers as well, this attribute initiates the route of every bus which is fixed.
Buses are booked by the passengers after login into the bus management system. This system requires the details of the passengers only once and then it retains it for future aspects as well. It can also show the booking history of the passengers linking with the login details filled by the passengers.
- Passengers:
This entity saves the information of each passenger along with their journey details. It also provides a feature to pay for the ticket so that there should be no mishap happen at the time of journey as people would be in a hurry at that time. It saves the time and effort of the passengers. This entity has several attributes that help it for smooth functioning:
- Passenger Name: every passenger is distinguished by the name of that person, this attribute collects the list of passengers’ names along with other details.
- Gender: This attribute is necessary to demonstrate which person is booking which seat as there are women passengers also. Then this attribute highlights the seats reserved by the women for safety purposes.
- Address: Every passenger on board the bus from different places therefore the address of the passenger is necessary to get an idea of his area from where he’ll onboard the bus.
- Phone No.: Contact number is important to communicate with the passenger at the time of journey this attribute saves the contact details of the passenger.
- On-boarding Point: As the bus points out the nearby boarding points coming in the route to communicate the passenger to reach there, this attribute fixes the onboarding points of the particular area.
- Destination Point: The details of the destination of the passenger are prefixes by himself and this information is submitted by him at the time of ticket booking, then these details save in this attribute.
- Driver Information: At the time of booking the ticket, the passenger gets the detail of the driver of the bus as well. This attribute helps in saving this information.
- Navigation (Track): This system gives a link to every passenger to track the bus as this will be helpful for safeguarding the female passengers who are on board.
- Payment: At the time of ticket booking, the seat is only getting confirm if the customer do the payment of the ticket through the payment gateway. This attribute provides different methods of payment options.
- Driver / Conductor:
This entity provides ease of doing work to the driver and conductors. As they get the information on the bus they are attending along with the list of passenger’s details and also the places from where they need to pick up the passengers and reroute for the journey. The attributes needed are listed below:
- Login Credentials: There are many buses that run daily and also the driver and conductor change every time so in order to keep a record, this attribute is needed. As it provides a unique login ID and password to the driver and conductor.
- Bus No.: Each day the driver and conductor need to drive different buses of different routes therefore they can get the information of their scheduled buses for the whole day from this attribute.
- Passenger’s Details: Every driver gets a list of passengers who will be onboarding the bus along with their contact number to get an idea of the address from where the passenger will be going to onboard.
- Shift: The shifts of drivers and conductors change as per the requirement of the bus therefore this attribute keeps a record of the scheduled shift of the drivers.
Front User Interface:

In the current scenario the public, as well as the private bus agencies, are operating in this business more often, now they require a system on which they can trust and it provides the overall functions they needed to lessen their efforts and ease them by all means.
Here this system comes in handy and the user’s face is very friendly even for the customers and drivers as well. There is not much training required to operate this system as it is easy to operate, even the passengers can find their buses and destination on time without any error or delay this would increase the productivity of the operator and then he can manage the business more allusively.
In this system the passenger can book tickets from any location or at any time with the help of the internet, still, it is maintained considering in mind the use of this system by the bus agencies and minimizing the human errors.
Operator (Admin):
This is the main entity which regulates all the system and can have access to the systems of drivers and the passengers. This entity does the necessary updates as well as the controller of the process. It distinguishes arranges the buses routine and manages them properly according to the schedule. It also regulates the payment procedure done by the passengers.
Passengers are the backbone of this system, they are the person who books the seats and do the payment. This entity has a relation with buses, onboarding, and destination point as they have selected earlier. Apart from that they also do the online payment for booking the ticket.
Driver / Conductors:
Apart from the operators the drivers and conductors manage the bus and passengers throughout the journey. They take care of onboarding the passengers till they reach their respective destination. Their work profile remains the same but their operating bus may change according to the schedule maintained by the operators.
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