Overview of Customer Review Management System
People are so much indulge in their current life that they do not have time to introspect each and every single item which they optate to buy or purchase. Ergo they require a system through which they can get the reviews about the items they optate to buy from the people who have already used to them.
The customer review system manage the people in order to give them a conception about the product which they optate to buy so that they can cull best product without any error and suffer from any deplorable experience. The users will provide their best experience about the product predicated on the rating system.
The system introduces a rating system in which the user will give a rating from 1 to 10 predicated on the experience they have get while utilizing a particular accommodation it will give a veracious opinion to the other users who will going to experience the accommodation. Predicated on many people, the user will cull best option according to the rating.
The system will work on the substratum of the sample size it has taken to review a particular accommodation by the avail of the users who have utilized to the accommodation. It is additionally beneficiary for the accommodation provider that they will get feedback about the accommodation they are providing.
Current System:
In recent times, the user will have to utilize the accommodation and do the experiment by utilizing the accommodations of the market. And on the substructure of his own experience, he will optate the best accommodation from the second time. But this is a tribulation and error method in which the user has to first experience the accommodation on his own.
The system is vulnerably susceptible because it is not authentic and will coerce the user to utilize the accommodation because he doesn’t have any other option to get the information about a particular product or accommodation. It withal cost him an abundance of maxima because of the tribulation and error method.
The system is very obsolete and hectic which consumes more time of the user because he will have to endeavor each and every accommodation and product in order to get the best benefit from the provided accommodations.
Proposed System Customer Review Management System
The proposed system is beneficiary for the users who will utilize the accommodation and product of the market, because of the rating system through which the people who have utilized the particular accommodation will rate the accommodation from 1 to 10 this will benefit other customers who will come to utilize the particular accommodation.
The user will withal provide a description in the review box and the other user will Read the review and predicated on the fact he will decide whether he wants to pursue the particular accommodation or opted for other option as well in the market. This will preserve a plethora of maxima of the user for spending on a lamentable thing.
Entity Relationship Diagram Customer Review Management System

Explanation Customer Review Management System
The Entity relation diagram will represent the data of the customer review system through which the user will get information about the customer review provided by the users himself. It is also an important task which is performed by the people who have used a certain service and provided a rating based on their personal interest. It will help the other customers who will go to use the service because they can read about the reviews of the customers who have already taken the services. It will save not only the time but also the effort of the customers. The model also showcases the data management by the admin and helps the system to maintain the discipline in it.
- Admin:
Admin is the sole responsible to maintain the system himself by providing the sustainable development and making the accounts of other users error free. This entity holds the information of admin provided by him and also gives access to entertain the accounts of other users who are a part of the system. The admin authority is provided to more than one person therefore their individual accounts are also part of this entity including in their personal information which is saved distinctively in this entity and securely. The related attributes are defined below:
- Admin_ID: To bifurcate the accounts of different admin, the system will provide an identity number to each admin’s account separately.
- Name: The name of each admin is required to be saved in this attribute for different purposes by the management.
- Contact No.: The admin contact number is saved in this attribute so that to connect him by the users at any point of time.
- Email Address: It is necessary to save the email address of each admin so that they can be contacted by the users through mail.
2. User:
The people who will get experience of the service by using it and also providing the reviews according to the service they feel about. It will help the other users who will use the service in future by providing a good and honest review by the users themselves. This entity hold account of different users through which they can give review about the different type of services provided in the system. They can also read the services from 1 to 10 through which they can also read the description about the service and include the points which they have liked or disliked. The related attributes are defined below:
- User_ID: There are so many users who will use the service of the system which are attached with an identity number provided by the system itself.
- Name: The name of each user will saved in this attribute to give the title to each account of the user.
- Contact No.: The user will also provide their contact number on which any person can contact them to get information about the reviews.
- Email Address: The user will also provide email address which is saved in this attribute by the management.
- Residence: It is necessary to save the permanent address of the users to validate their reviews given by them.
- Qualification: This entity holds the information about the qualification of each user so that their personal details will be seen by others.
- Profession: The users profession is also entertained in this attribute which is seen by other users who will use the service.
3. Review:
It is necessary for the system to manage the reviews given by the different people for the services provided by the system itself. for example, if the users give there points after getting the service of a particular restaurant, then it is very crucial to differentiate the reviews of each customer according to the restaurant on which the customer have visited and use the service of the restaurant. It will give an idea to the other customers who will go to the restaurant so that they can read the reviews and decide whether to go in a particular restaurant or not. It will also provide information about the bad experience of the customer. The related attributes are defined below:
- Review_ID: Every single review provided by the customer is attached with an identity number by the system randomly.
- Giver Name: This attribute will sustain the information about the review given by the person to validate the authenticity.
- Description: The customer will also write a particular description about the service he has used to give an idea to the other person.
- Restaurant_ID: This attribute will hold the information about the restaurant Identity Number for which the customer has given review.
- Rating: This attribute holds the information about the rating of the restaurant provided by the customer.
4. Restaurant:
There are so many customers who visited the restaurant each day based on the occasion or any weekend day as per their self interest. This entity will provide information about each restaurant through which the restaurant will provide the information about the services they will offer to the customers and also the discount they will provide for a certain amount of time. The restaurant will also provide information about the hygiene and clean environment along with the other services they will often as a complimentary service to the customers. The system will maintain the account of each restaurant separately and the restaurant owner can update the service. The related attributes are defined below:
- Restaurant_ID: The system attaches an Identity Number to each restaurant who will use the service of the system.
- Name: The official names of the restaurant based on the documents are saved in this attribute.
- Contact No.: The restaurant will also provide a contact number to the system so that the customer care and connect them for any query.
- Email Address: The customer can also send an email to the restaurant owner which is saved in this attribute.
- Certification: This attribute will define the information about the certification which a restaurant buses from the food department.
- No.: The food department will also provide the registration number to each restaurant according to the serial number.
- Owner Details: The restaurant owner information is also need to be saved in this attribute by the management.
- Location: The permanent address of the restaurant is saved in this attribute along with the landmark.
5. Items:
There are so many items which are offered by the restaurant to the customers in order to attract them and increase their sales volume. The Entity will save the information about each item which is offered by the restaurant according to the interest he has seen in the market. The Entity save information about each item along with the quantity and description so that it will help the owner as well as the management to provide a sustainable service to the customers therefore they can give good reviews about the restaurant itself. The system is also helpful in managing the information also. The related attributes are defined below:
- Item_ID: The items are also given an identity number by the system to bifurcate their information.
- Name: The name of each item according to the list provided by the owner is saved in the centre.
- Quantity: The attribute also mention the number of quantity of each item which is saved in the store.
- Description: Additional information about each item is needed to be saved in this attribute.
- Price: The attribute mention the price of each item provided by the owner of the restaurant or any other service.
- Type: Items are categorized by the owner itself according to the type which saved in this attribute.
6. Delivery:
It is a very crucial task in which the product will be delivered at the address of the customer. Because nowadays the customer does not have time to visit the particular restaurant or any other shops to get the service. Therefore the owner himself provides the service of delivery to the address of the customer and it also take the responsibility to provide items fresh and hygiene. This entity will hold the information about the delivery which is provided to the customers and maintain their account separately. It will also create a distinguish column in which the delivery items are matched with each other to provide a sustainable growth. The related attributes are defined below:
- Delivery_ID: An identity number is also attached with each delivery which is provided to the customer by the management.
- Name: The title of each delivery according to the customer who has given the order is saved in this attribute.
- Time of Delivery: It is very crucial to save the information about the time at which the delivery is done at the address of the customer.
- Delivery Person: The details about the person who has delivered the order at the residence of the customer saved here.
- Rating: The customer will provide rating to each delivery based on the experience he will get.
- Payment: The system will provide payment option online mode to the customer along with the cash on delivery option.
User Interface Model

The login page is similar for each user in which with the help of login credentials the user can access their individual account and do the necessary work. It helps in managing the information of each user by logging into their account with the help of the login page interface. It also gives importance to new user who wants to register in the system. The forgot password option is also provided in the interface so that the user can get there account if the forgot at any point of time.
The interface of the dashboard is different for each user according to their skill set and the authority provided by the management. The admin is the identity therefore he will get full access to the system in order to manage and sustain the system. The dashboard is manageable and customizable by the management if they find any option missing for a particular user.
Service Used:
Interface will also save information about the services which are used by the customers in order to record their reviews about different services in order to increase their productivity and sales among the customers. The customers will also retain in the system if the existing customer will give good reviews about the services they have used. Therefore it is crucial for the owner to provide good service to each customer in order to gain good reviews from them. It will increase the Goodwill of the service among the people.
Review Given:
The system is provided a unique solution to get the review of each customer. The customer after using the service will give review based on the rating from 1 to 10 as per their personal interest and the service they liked or not. The rating is classified in three different categories based on the interest of each customer.
- Bad: If the customer will not satisfied from the service therefore we will provide the service as required in which he will give the rating from 1 to 3 which will come in that category or worst case scenario.
- Moderate: If the customer will give review rating from 3 to 7 then it will considered as a moderate rating for the service and it will give an idea to the owner to update their service in the current scenario.
- Good: The good review is verified as the rating which is given from 7 to 10 by the customers for any service they have utilized. It also sustains the best review for particular product by the customer they will visit a particular product for use.
The data is saved in the system database after getting reviews from each customer for the services they have used. the system automatically generate a report on behalf of the user and send it to the upper level management so that they can plan accordingly for the other services they need to offer to the customers in order to regain their trust about their products. It also maintains the report in a systematized manner which will help the management in proofreading.