The main aim of every company is to retain their employees for longer period of time after gaining their trust and providing needful incentives. Employees are the backbone of every company if they leave early it is a loss for a company therefore a company can be sustained only if the employees are trustworthy and working simultaneously with the cool of the company.
In order to see the performance of every employee the high level management organizes different type of performance appraisal to encourage every employee to work hard and get the bonus apart from the regular salaries. It also motivates the employee to work enthusiastic and put there hundred percent in the work this is directly benefiting the company because its projects are to be completed with quality.
There are many types of methods through which the performance of every employee can be analyzed to meet the company’s goals for longer duration of time. Every senior authority do the performance management of the employees working under them full stop it is a necessary aspect to entertain the employees performance appraisal policies are maintained by the Human Resource Department of every company and the report is to be submitted to the higher authority of the particular employees so that the senior authority can analyze the report and give the ratings to every employee based on which they get incentives and bonus.
Performance management is to be done to supervise the employee’s performance, maintain their records and to provide the 360 degree feedback to see how the other employees feel while working with the specific employee. The promotion of every employee is depending upon the rating he gets by their senior authority therefore every employee tries to maintain their writing higher than the other subordinates.
Current System
In current system the performance of every employee cannot be evaluated authentically inaccurately. Therefore this system is the most need of this hour to manage the performance of every employee and to retain them into company.
Employees based on their personal relation with the senior authority gets the promotion without any authentication and skills this is the main demerit of the current system. Here the employee who has skill set will be below the employee who has a good relation with their seniors. This process is not transparent and certain irregularities can also be seen.
Proposed System
The Human Resource Department regularly updates the methods through which they can evaluate the performance management of the employees according to the skill sets and their designation in a particular department which is also helpful for the employees as well.
This system is capable enough to remove the errors and provide the performance evaluation which is authentic and more accurate. It helps in promoting the employees who deserves to be promoted based on their skills and hard work they have done in the former time period.
Entity Relationship Model

This model provides information about the performance management to be performed in an institute to elaborate the performances of the entities and the actors of the company. The performance management is evaluated on the basis of the work to be done by each employee or the concerned person in a particular day therefore there per day work is calculated along with the basis of the hours they have dedicated in a day. The model shows the data which flows into the system through different entities and their attributes while performing the task simultaneously. The register entities and their required attributes are discussed below:
- Admin:
Admin is the head entity who controls the system and manages if any trouble occurs while performing any task in the system. Sometimes the management allocates more than one person as the admin authority to manage the system in a better way therefore this entity provides different accounts to be login by each admin personnel. The admin has the authority to access the accounts of any other actors who are registered in the system. The required attributes of this entity are discussed below:
- Admin_ID: This is the primary key which helps the admin to access the account in a safe and secure way while protecting the confidential information.
- Name: The management has authority to more than one person as the admin power therefore their individual accounts are maintained by their name.
- Contact No.: The admin is contacted at the time of an emergency while running the system, this attribute holds the contact number of each admin.
- Email Address: The email address of admin is provided in this attribute to do written conversation and have a proof of it.
- Residence: Admin person permanent address is saved in this attribute for the authentication and verification of the particular person.
2. Employees:
Employees are the people who work in a particular company and manage the work which is allotted to them by the authorities. They help the client as well as the senior authorities while maintaining the decorum and mutual relation between them. This entity provides the distinct accounts to each employee in which they can uphold their personal information and to check their salary and leave policies. The attributes of this entity are discussed below:
- Employee_ID: The system generates a new and Unique Identity Number which is allotted to each employee helping them in accessing the account.
- Name: There are so many employees work in a particular company and the system manages their individual accounts based on their names.
- Contact No.: The employees are directly in contact with the senior authority as well as the clients therefore their contact number required to be saved in this attribute.
- Email Address: The employees mostly perform the conversation with client as well as the senior authority through the email to have a prove of the conversation.
- Performance Rating: Every week the employees submit their report on the work they have done in the former week based on that the upper management gives them rating depending on their performance.
- Residence: The permanent address of every employee is saved in this attribute for authentication by the senior authority.
- Client:
The clients are the customer who provides projects to the company therefore the individual account is to be managed safely and securely because their data is confidential and it can also hamper the reputation of the company if the data leaks. This entity bifurcate the accounts of clients because there are many clients who are attached with the company at the same time therefore it is important to take care of each client equally. The attributes of this entity are as follows:
- Client_ID: The clients can access their accounts by the login credentials provided by the system as an identity number distinct for each client.
- Name: The system generates different accounts for each client based on their names which is saved in this attribute.
- Contact No.: The clients contact number is saved in this attribute to connect them in order to discuss the project vulnerability and updates.
- Email Address: The official conversation with the client is done through the email address for both the parties.
- Residence: Residential address speech client is saved in this attribute for verification and to send any document if needed.
- Projects: This attribute holds the number of projects to be given by each client to the company for work in a particular time period.
4. Project:
The clients belong to different region then provide different types of projects to the company at the same time based on the requirements and work. the type of projects are classified in different categories as per their nature and type of work required along with the set of required skills by the employees the client also provides a specific time period to complete the project and it is very crucial for the employees to done the work before the stipulated time period. The attributes of this entity are discussed below:
- Project_ID: Every single project has entitled with a Unique Identity Number to search within the system easily.
- Title: The title of the project is given by the client based on the nature and the type of skills it requires can complete the work.
- Description: The amount of information provided by the clients for a specific project which is customizable as per the employees.
- Deadline: Project is provided to be done within a particular time period and the deadline is already mentioned by the clients himself.
- Rating: The rating is given by the client to the company based on the work they have done in the project provided by the client and the type of quality maintained by the company.
- General Manager:
General Manager is the head of the company who controls the work of the regional managers and guides them as per the requirement and need based on the projects they are working. They are the higher authorities who do the planning an estimation process for the projects to be given by the clients. This entity saves the data of the general manager along with the attendance and the rating given by the CEO of the company. The attributes of this entity are elaborated below:
- GM_ID: General Manager access their accounts prove The Identity Number provided by the system which is unique for everyone
- Name: A company may contain more than one general manager therefore their names are saved in this attribute.
- Contact No.: The general manager contact number is saved in this attribute to connect them by the regional managers when needed.
- Email Address: The email address of general manager is crucial for the middle level management while providing report about the work they have done in a time period.
- Residence: The permanent address of general manager is saved in this attribute for authentication purposes.
- Attendance: The general manager can see is attendance cycle of a particular month with the help of the system and he can also manage the leaves he has taken in a particular month.
- Performance Rating: The CEO and the head of the companies provide the performance rating to the general manager based on their distinctive work done by him.
6. Regional Manager:
The general manager keeps record about the work which is done by the regional manager and provides hefty management policies to him. This entity holds different types of accounts of the regional managers who are allocated to a particular region and providing the services in that state. They can modify the information which they have entertained in their accounts. They can even submit a detailed report including the work they have completed in a particular time period. The related attributes of this entity are discussed below in detailed manner:
- RM_ID: There are many regional managers in a particular company and to access their accounts, this Unique Identity Number is required.
- Name: This attribute holds the name of every Regional Manager irrespective of the allocated places and designation.
- Contact No.: To connect with the regional manager either by the supreme authority or by the lower level management the contact number is to be saved in this attitude for any irregularities.
- Email Address: The official conversation is to be done with the regional manager through the email id provided in this attribute for verification purposes also.
- Residence: This attribute saves the data of the permanent address of every Regional Manager for authentication and validation of the information sustained in the system.
- Performance Rating: : General Manager provides performance rating to every Regional Manager based on their individual caliber and the capacity to do the work in a unique way.
Attendance: The system provides the attendance matrix of every regional manager and the number of holidays they have taken in the former time period.
User Interface Model:

The user interface of the performance management system is maintained to be simple and to run smooth as per the algorithm which is done in the background. The following diagram showcase how the data can be seen by different actors display whenever the login into the system. The login is the first page which appears whenever an actor logins into the system. It also added some extra functions like the forgot password option and the new registration for the clients who are accessing their accounts for the first time.
Performance Review:
The higher authority of every employee provides to performance review of the certain personnel’s who are working under them. The review may be quarterly half yearly or yearly it is to be given after a certain period of time. The appraisal of every employee and their promotion is based on the ratings they got from their senior authority therefore they need to maintain their work according to their schedule.
- Regional Manager: The interface of the regional manager displays those apps through which we can access the information about the particular projects provided by the clients. He can also access the files of the employees who are working beneath him. The interfaces customizable as per his need and modifications can be done time to time.
- General Manager: The interface of the general manager is different from other actors. He can access the files of employees as well as the regional managers to modify the information inside the accounts and provide ratings to the distinct managers and employees after evaluating their work and analyzing the data they have used in the former period.
- Employees: Employees can only access the files of their own accounts as well as the accounts of the clients they have assigned for a particular task. They can also see their project report and the amount of work they have done till now along with their attendance and leave management. They can also send brief report weekly To the Regional managers after which they get the ratings based on their performance.
Project Review:
The interface is also sustaining the review of the projects they are working currently provided by the clients along with the suitable information. The clients may provide certain amount of data based on the type of project he needs to be completed within the deadline. The clients can easily check the progress of the project and also the system sent alert timely in the account of the client.
The company works in a hierarchy where each employee is subordinated by another employee and covered by the senior authority. The CEO and the Managing directors are the head of the company therefore that the final report monthly. The general managers and the regional managers get regular updates of the projects which are completed and which are under process they also need to share the information of the projects to the clients in order to maintain the decorum.