People have a proclivity to believe that they are born by the deity grace, a spirit or something which is not kenned to them but they believe in it that something is up there that controls each and everything in the world. People believe according to their religion of their forebears.
In India, Hindus believe in temple where there god recites. People visit temple to find placidity and according to their interest in a particular God. But due to lack of time they cannot visit the temple more often consequently they require a system through which they can visit the temple according to their timing.
The subsistence of the Deity can be felt by people and they will feel more connected if they visit the temple. Consequently, some Temple is more popular than the other temples and people incline to visit these temples more often. It is become very arduous for Darshan by the people ergo they require a system through which they can do their Darshan.
It is withal propitious for the Temple Management because they cannot maintain the decorum if the premises will be overcrowded by the people. The system will maintain the request of the people who want Darshan in the temple by giving a minimal cost to the temple committee.
Current System
People visit the temple according to their time from their diligent life. But, they do not ken when will the temple overcrowded because of the people who reach at the temple simultaneously. On the occasion of festivals, many people want to visit the temple for Darshan.
The current system lacks in managing the decorum of the temple in order to manage the crowd who come at the temple for visit. Ergo they require a system which can maintain the public more often and avail them in providing a different time for the action to each person. This will avail in evading overcrowd situation at the premises.
The system is obsolete and takes more time for darshan by the people. It withal lack in providing more benefits to the people who come to visit the temple.
Required System
The current system is acceptable for the Temple Management because they can manage the crowd with the avail of the system. The user will raise a request for Darshan at the temple according to the time and date he wants after paying a minimal cost which is approved by the management if they find the particular slot free for people to visit.
A person can withal book the temple slot for Darshan, Puja and seva according to individual cull. The system sanction the user to engender their account into the system After That they can raise a request to the temple committee at a concrete time which is approved by the admin after getting injunctive authorization from the temple committee.
The committee can withal amass information about number of devotees who visit the temple at a particular time this will avail them in managing the management of the premises and provide more comfort for the people who come at the temple for Darshan
Entity Relationship Diagram:
People believe in god therefore they like to visit temples more often. It is all because of the faith and believe people have on a particular Temple more than any other Temple therefore it is very necessary to manage the system because so many people will go for the action at a single Temple. In order to manage the system, the timing of Darshan given to each person is different therefore the hall should not be crowded and everyone will get a chance for Darshan comfortably. The diagram will represent travelling of data into the system through various entities and attributes which are responsible to sustain the management of data properly. The related entities and their attributes are defined below:
- Admin:
Admin handle the whole system and provide necessary changes in each account of the users who are attached to the system. He has the authority to manipulate the data in any users account and also he can delete the account if a user is no longer a part of the system. this entity maintains account of admin include in his personal detail and providing him access to other users account in order to maintain the system perfectly balanced and Secure. The admin provide sustainable development of the system by removing all the malwares from the system without any interruption in the regular functions. The attributes of this entity are defined below:
- Admin_ID: The system attaches an identity number with each item in account which is random and unique.
- Name: It is very necessary to hold the name of admin defined by the documents necessary presented to the management.
- Contact No.: Admin provide his contact number so that anyone can contact them if they suffer from any problem in the system.
- Email Address: Official email address of each admin is saved in this attribute for conversation on the mail.
- Shift: The temple is open for 24 hours there admin works in different shifts which are defined in this attribute.
2. Manager:
Managing a temple is a big task because there are so many people who come across the temple each day for Darshan and in order to maintain them with discipline is a very hectic task therefore the managers are appointed to maintain the discipline and coordination among the crowd who has come to the temple for Darshan. The managers will give each person equal chance for Darshan inside the temple and also maintain the decorum of the temple without making any mistake in the management. The temple committee will appoint different managers for different roles depending upon the need by the management. The attributes of the entity are defined below:
- Manager_ID: The system generated an identity number for each manager distinctly for a particular account of manager.
- Name: The name of the manager according to the document represent is saved in this attribute.
- Contact No.: The contact number of each manager is provided in this attribute to be connected by the staff of the temple.
- Email Address: The staff members can also send their queries on the email address of the manager was provided by them to the management.
- Qualification: The management of point managers for different rules depends upon the qualifications they have done in their life.
3. User:
The Entity user defines the people who come across the temple for Darshan of the god from which the temple is famous for. Sometimes the temple becomes overcrowded because so many people will come at the temple for the darshan at the same time. Therefore, in order to maintain discipline the user first need to register into the system thereafter he will get time and date on which he can come for the Darshan at the temple. It is beneficial not only for the people but also for the Temple Management to maintain the discipline and hygiene in the temple premises. This entity holds different account of the users maintained by them while providing them date and time distinctively. The related attributes are defined below:
- User_ID: Identity Number is provided to each user who is registered into the system to maintain their account information secure.
- Name: The user will provide their name based on the documents they have provide for the management.
- Contact No.: The information of Darshan time will be provided on the contact number given by the user into the system.
- Email Address: User also provide his email address on which the management will send invitation for Darshan at the temple.
- Residence: this attribute save the permanent address of each user who is enrolled into the system.
- Payment: The user will pay nominal fees for a visit at the temple the status of the payment is shown into this attribute.
4. Request:
According to the faith and belief of the user, he will come for the Darshan at the temple as per is choice. Therefore, he will raise a request into the system and submit a time and date of his choice after that the request will be sent to the management for verification. If the time Slot is free then it will be given to the user but if the slot is full then it is informed to the user on his account. The user also pays a minimal cost to the management for Darshan at his choice of time. The user can raise a request not only for the single Temple but also for many other temples that are attached with this system. The related attributes are defined below:
- Request_ID: Serial number is attached with each request raised by the user in the system for Darshan.
- Time of Arrival: A particular time is provided to each user who has raised a request for Darshan in the temple.
- Type: Attribute define the type of request made by the user like he wants to come for Aarti, darshan or for Seva,
- Cost: a minimum cost is need to be e give by the user for raising a request in order to get a time and date of his choice.
- Temple to visit: This attribute holds the information about the temple for which the visit request is raised by the user.
5. Temple:
There are so many temples in India at different locations. Based on the faith and popularity, people like to visit those temples more often than other temples because of the self-interest people will have for a particular god. This entity holds the information of each Temple by making different account for the temples including the information of Temple Management and it’s time of opening and closing. The temple committee can also at this information by login into the system. The admin will provide any assistance to the temple committee in order to maintain their account more secure. The related attributes are defined below:
- Temple_ID: The system provides an identity number to each Temple whose account is maintained in the system by the management.
- Name: The names of the famous temple received in this attribute are saved for documentation purpose.
- Opening Time: It is necessary to get the information about when the temple will open in the morning.
- Closing Time: The system will also sustain the information about the closing time of the temple according to the temple committee.
6. Temple Staff:
The committee of the temple will manage the premises with the help of the staff they have recruited for maintaining the discipline and decorum of the temple in order to maintain the dignity of the temple as well. The staff members of the temple will also create an account into the system which is dilated into this entity separately and save their information distinctively. The staff can manage their account information by logging into their account via login credentials. They can also see their salary and leave policy along with the daily routine work they have done in a single day after that a brief report will be sent to the higher management. The related attributes are defined below:
- Staff_ID: It is necessary to distinct the account of each staff member along with an identity number provided to them by the system.
- Name: Attribute save the name of each Temple staff that has created an account into the system.
- Contact No.: Temple staff will provide their contact number through which they can be contacted by the management at any point of time.
- Email Address: Staff will also provide their personal email address on which they will get the notification of work.
- Residence: Staff permanent address is also saved in this attribute for different purposes.
Shift: The temple will open for 24 hours therefore each staff will work in different shifts which is saved in this attribute.
User Interface Model:
It is very important to create a system interface which is very simple and unique for the people who are using it because there are so many people who are of labor class but wants to visit a temple while using the system request. The interface is maintained in such a way that any person can use it without any prior training. The user just need to create an account with the help of the new user registration option provided on the interface of the login page after that he can access the account through the login credential provided to help by the system.
The interface is maintained to ease the work of user as well as the staff members in their routine work. Therefore, the management will provide different options to each user according to the authority given to them as per their designation. The users cannot access the accounts of other people. But, this authority is only provided to the admin to maintain the accounts of each user who is a part of the system this is why, the dashboard of each user provide different options to him for accessing the account.
Temple Visit:
The temple will sustain different God according to the belief of the people reciting nearby area. Therefore it is totally depend upon the temple committee to decide the opening and closing time of the temple as per their individual decision and providing better arrangements to the people who come at the temple for Darshan.
- Opening Time: The interface will provide a common opening time of the temple as for the committee members. And it also shows the slot which app free for the user for registration in order to go for the Darshan at the temple.
- Closing Time: The interface will also provide information about the closing time of the temple so that it provides an idea to the people when they make their plan for Darshan at the temple. Because sometimes people come Temple for the darshan at closing time.
Payment for visit:
Due to the hectic life style, people do not have time in a greater scene, therefore, the temple committee will provide special arrangements for the people who wanted Darshan at the temple at the time of their own choice by paying minimal fees to the committee. The transaction is done through online mode with the help of the system. The user can pay the amount from his account with the help of the interface and this whole transaction will be managed by the admin of the system.
After paying the fees for the Darshan, the admin will provide a confirmation message on the contact number and email address of the user. It also includes the timing and date on which the user can visit the temple for Darshan. The email will also provide information about the rules and regulations of the temple decided by the committee along with the precautionary measures which need to be take care of by the user at the time of visit.