Expeditious paced life of people is not sanctioning them to go out for many works ergo people switch to the alternate options from the online method which will avail them in providing victuals accommodations on time and at their door step.
People now prefer to do their work online, they even order the aliment online because they do not have time to visit the restaurant to victual. Ergo it is compulsory to maintain a system which will be auxiliary for the restaurant withal for managing the workload of their staff.
The restaurant management system avails the restaurant owner in managing the restaurant work along with the customer management and the orders provided by them. The customer can inductively authorize the pabulum online from the system and even pay the price of it initially.
The system is User-convivial required no expert training, can be utilized by any user for authoritatively mandating their culled aliment. The customer can additionally compare the restaurants predicated on the ratings provided by the customers who have taken their accommodations.
Existing System
The customer needs to visit the restaurant after finding it in their nearby area. They require to physically walking to the restaurant this will inhibit their access to the restaurants which are good but are marginally in the other areas.
Even the restaurant need to manage the work manually on pen and paper. The waiter will take the order from the customer on paper and distribute it to the Chef inside the kitchen which will become hectic when there are more customers in the restaurant concurrently.
This process container error and there is always chances of mistake can transpire. Sometimes the order of a customer could be distributed to another customer due to misplace of the order slip. The process is time taking and very gradual.
Proposed System
The introduced restaurant management system avails for the restaurant and the customer to provide victuals within time limit and fresh. The system is capable enough to avail the restaurant owner in managing their routine work along with their waiters and Chefs.
Customer can give order after accessing their account and cull the type of the repast they optate to victual. The system provides payment option to the customer in which we can pay through the system online mode for as he can opt for cash on distribution option.
The waiters can get the orders from the customer directly in the account and they can commence preparing for it within the estimated time and accommodate the aliment fashion sultry. It will avail the Goodwill of the restaurant and they can give more fixate on the quality of the victuals.
Category | Minimum | Maximum |
OPERATING SYSTEM: | Windows 7 is used as it is stable and supports more features and is more user friendly | Windows 10 and above |
ENVIRONMENT: | Visual Studio .NET 2003 | 2019 version 12.7 |
.NET FRAMEWORK: | Version 1.0 | Version 4.5.2 |
LANGUAGE | HTML – for coding. CSS – for webpage development. JAVA script – for styling work. | Net brans IDE 7.0.2 or Eclipse Neon. |
Entity Relationship Model:

People prefer restaurant for food due to their hectic schedule and busy life. They don’t even want to visit restaurant because of the shortage of time therefore they need a system which will help them in placing the order for food and delivering it at their door step. The system is explainable with the help of this relational model in which different entities and attributes are used to showcase the transfer of data from one entity to another within the system. The whole process is managed by the admin, he is the sole responsible for all the activities of the system. The flow of data into the system is stored in the database which will be elaborated by the entities below:
1. Admin:
The system is managed by the admin, he also helps in sustaining the accounts of other users who are a part of the system in order to make sure that is system work continuously without any error. With the help of this entity, the admin can manage his account and control all the other activities of the system. The admin power is considered to be the greatest power in the system which can be delegated to more than one person if the system works on a larger scale not able to be managed by a single person then after the admin power is administered to many persons. The attributes of this entity are defined below:
- Admin_ID: Unique Identity Number attached with every admin account to help them in verifying their accounts and maintaining their personal detail within it.
- Name: The official name of each admin person according to their documents is saved in this attribute.
- Contact No.: Admin is the head entity and therefore he can be contact by any person at any point of time, his contact number is saved in this attribute.
- Email Address: The email address of each admin saved in this attribute to be connected by other users.
- Gender: The gender biasness will be bifurcated when the system updates the policy about it with the help of this attribute.
2. Stock:
The restaurant needs to fulfill the requirement of the stock to make the dishes demanded by the customer. The inventory of the restaurant is always needed to be check by the superior authorities in order to maintain the stock up to optimum level. The raw material is the main things which are required to make the dishes demanded by the customer. this entity maintain the account of the stock in which it includes the quantity and details of each and every product along with the shortage which is going on right now in the inventory which will be helpful in purchasing more stock. The related attributes are defined below:
- Stock_ID: An identity number is attached with the type of stock which is purchased by the owner for the inventory.
- Product Name: There are so many types of the product available in the stock therefore their names should be mentioned in this attribute.
- Serial No.: Every product which is purchased by the owner will include a serial number provided by the factory outlet.
- Quantity: It is also very necessary to check the number of quantity available for each stock.
- Shortage: The employees also maintain record of the products which are in shortage in the inventory.
- Inventory In: This Attribute holds the detail of the date on which the inventory has come into the premises.
- Restaurant:
System is helpful for many restaurant therefore there are so many restaurants which are attached with the system and carrying out the services provided by the system. The system maintains different accounts for each restaurant. In this account, it is stores the details of each restaurant including the details of the owner, restaurant address and staff detail also. It is very important for the system to contain the database of each restaurant in a regular basis to provide a sustainable help to each restaurant owner. Regular check is done to update the policies of the restaurant if they have updated any. The related attributes are defined below:
- Restaurant_ID: Identity Number is attached with each restaurant account to enhance their security.
- Name: The name of each restaurant which is registered in the Food Corporation is saved in this attribute.
- Contact No.: Official number of each restaurant is also provided through this attribute for connection purpose.
- Email Address: Email address of the restaurant is also provided to the customer if they want to send any query for feedback.
- Address: The exact location along with the nearby landmark is saved in this attribute.
- Owner’s Details: Every restaurant is owned by a person whose details are collected in this attribute.
4. Waiter:
The restaurant is managed by the waiters who are working there. They manage the upper level managers along with the customers who visit the restaurant and provide them valuable services. The waiters need to create an account in this system to get the benefit. The system provides a simple and secure account making for each waiter in which the waiter can get easy access to his details along with the number of customer he has attended and the orders he has taken in a particular day. The system also helps the waiter in maintaining the everyday work in order to send our report to the manager periodically. The related attributes are defined below:
- Waiter_ID: Each waiter will get an identity number provided by the system for their accounts.
- Name: The name of each waiter need to be saved in this attribute according to the documents provided by them.
- Contact No.: Every waiter’s contact number is saved in this attribute for connection purpose by the managers.
- Email Address: Each waiter also provides their email address which will be helpful for getting any update by the restaurant management.
- Shift: The waiters work in a particular shift decided by the management which will be sometimes rotational for every week.
- Residence: The permanent address of each waiter needed to be saved in this address for authentication of each waiter.
5. Order:
Customer provides order according to the type of the food they want to eat through the menu provided by the restaurant. Restaurant take their order to prepare food and deliver to their home or else they go to the restaurant for dining in. every order contains the detail of the customer who has booked the particular order along with the details of the payment if it is done by the customer or not. The system helps in bifurcating the order which will be helpful for the waiters to manage the system properly and deliver the orders of each customer within time limit. The related attributes are defined below:
- Order_ID: The order given by the customer contains an identity number attached by the system randomly.
- Items: This attribute contains the details of the items choose by the customer in the particular order for preparation.
- Customer’s Details: The details of the customer are also saved in this attribute who has booked the particular order.
- Payment: This attribute holds the detail of the payment done by the customer either in cash or online through the system.
- Order Details: This attribute contains the other related detail provided by the customer including is special instruction for a particular dish.
6. Customer:
The orders to prepare dishes to the restaurant are provided by the customers as per their interest and taste. The system creates an account for each customer in which the customer feed their personal details. The customer can see their recent order along with the order history they have done till now. The system also provides payment option, which can be done by the customer with the help of their account or else he can choose for cash on delivery option. The customer can also edit their detail after accessing their account and can book multiple orders at the same time. The related attributes are defined below:
- Customer_ID: Every customer is provided an identity number by the system in order to help them in accessing their account.
- Name: The name of the customer provided by them is saved in this attribute.
- Contact No.: It is very important for the customer to provide their contact number along with the order which is saved in this attribute.
- Email Address: The customer provide their email address to the restaurant on which they get the details of their order and payment.
- Residence: The customer sometime wants order to be delivered at his home therefore he needs to provide his permanent address.
- Current Order: This attribute saves the data of current order which is selected by the customer in the system.
- Payment: This attribute holds the detail of the payment done by the customer either through online mode or cash on delivery.
User Interface Model

User interface provides a productive diagram which elaborates how the users will see the display after login into their account. The system provides customizable user interface to each actor according to their work and authority provided to them by the management. There are certain other options which will be helpful for each actor keeping in mind their type of work done by them.
The actors will make an account in the system to get the benefit and after logging into the system the display will show dashboard, which contains many options which will be helpful in directing their process. It is customizable by the management at any point of time and it contains the options different for distinct users according to their work.
The user interface also provide an interactive display to configure the details of restaurants who are attached with the system in which the restaurant and share their details regarding the type of menu they provide along with the rate list so that it will give an idea to the customer about the price of the product. The display also shows the rating of each restaurant provided by the customer according to the services provided by the restaurants respectively.
The interfaces provides a selection option with the help of the online cart system in which the customer selects the options from the menu and proceed for the payment method and place the order. The display will also show estimated time in preparing the food and the total amount to be paid by the customer including the service charges and delivery fee if the customers selected it.
The interface provides two types of option through which the customer can pay the total amount to the restaurant which will be guided by the admin in the whole process the options are as follows:
- Cash on Delivery: Customer can choose cash on delivery option in which the customer can place the order when after placing, he will get an estimated amount to be paid by him on his interface and also on his email so that he will pay the amount at the time of delivery.
- Online Payment: Customer can also used for online payment method after the display shows the total amount help provide different options to pay the amount online by the customer.
The whole process of managing the restaurant and the orders received by them from the customers are done under the guidance of the admin. He will look out for any error and make the system error free by approving all the orders given by the customers.