Existing System
The guardians’ needs to ascertain school on their own by moving around the city for getting the information about the school through advertisements which they have visually perceived in the newspaper and accumulating information from the other reciting people of the society.
It is very hectic because the guardian needs to do it manually which require time and effort and it is exhaustive in nature. For every information regarding the school and the courses offered by the school, the guardian wants this information then he requires going to the school every time and then he can get the information from the admission Council.
The system lacks in providing the valuable information to each guardian and the guardians will additionally not get the facility to submit the fees monthly on time which is eradicated in the proposed system as this system provides monthly reminder to each guardian about the fees so that they cannot forget the last date.
Sometimes the guardians have to compromise for the course which they optate for their kids because of the unavailability of the schools nearby them who provides the type of the course which they require.
Required System
The proposed system is helpful for the guardians and the students to find the valuable School which is in nearby area and which is high in rating provided by the parents of the students who were already a part of the school. The Guardians can get the information of the school along with the type of the courses offered by the school and the fee structure through the system.
The Guardians and the student need to maintain an account in the system to access their information and also to get the information of the school and the offered courses by them. The system is maintained by the admin who is the head entity, the admin can access the accounts of the students and the guardians also.
It is also helpful for the school because they can get the information of the guardians and students and they can connect with them through the system so that they can provide information about any other circular through the system or by the email ID of the Guardians it helps the school to get the information about the parents of the children.
The proposed system is very helpful for each actor it also maintains the information and the data in a manner so that the system can be accessed by any person who is authorized and it is simplified in that there should be no prior training needed.
Entity Relationship Model

The model defines the relation between different type of entities and their attributes which are interlinked to provide sustainable importance of the growing database. It showcase the flow of the data into the system which is administered by the admin who takes care of the system and make it error-free.the entities are created to manage the data in a simplified manner which will help in mining of the information. The entities and their attributes are discussed below:
- Admin:
The admin is the head identity who is responsible for maintaining the system and the flow of the data in different entities. Admin can also manage other actors account and he can also modify and delete the data of their accounts. The management consider more than one admin if they work in different shifts to maintain the system, their accounts are distinctively stored in the system. The attributes of this entity are:
- Admin_ID: A code number which is unique for every admin is stored in this attribute to help them login into the system.
- Name: If the management provides more than one admin then their names are saved in this attribute
- Contact No.: The contact number of every admin is saved in this attribute to connect them at the time of need.
- Email Address: The official conversation with the admin is done through the email address which is saved in this attribute.
2. Guardians:
This entity holds the accounts of guardians who have maintained their accounts to find the best suitable School for their children. Guardians can be their parents are any other relative who takes care of the child and who is responsible for every activity of the child. this entity provide separate accounts in which the Guardians can enter their details and also they can save the type of the schools they like for their kid full stop the related attributes are defined below:
- Guardian_ID: An identity number is provided to each guardian who helps them to login into their system.
- Name: The name of every Guardian is saved in this attribute because there are many e accounts which are conducted by the Guardians.
- Contact No.: The contact number of each guardian is necessary to be saved in this attribute to contact them if needed by the school authority.
- Email Address: Every information about the school activities are shared with the parents of each children on their email address.
- Residence: The permanent address of each Guardian needs to be saved in the system for authentication of the children’s address.
- Profession: The Guardians professional background is saved in this attribute to verify the capacity of the Guardians to pay the fees.
3. User:
The user can be the students who make their own accounts into the system through which they can also get the information about the schools and the type of the courses they are offering along with the education fees and other co curricular activities initiated by the schools. The system also helps the user to compare different type of schools based on different points referred by the user himself. The useful attributes of the user are discussed below:
- User_ID: An identity number is provided to each user who has created their account into the system.
- Name: This attribute saves the name of every user to verify their identity and made it with the name of their certificates.
- Contact No.: The contact number of the user is saved in this attribute for connection purposes.
- Email Address: The user can also get information regarding the school through the email address which is saved in this attribute.
- Residence: The local address of the user where he lives is saved in this attribute for verification.
- Academics: The studious background of the student needs to be saved in this attribute for general purpose.
4. Subjects:
For different classes, different subjects need to be studied by a student which is based on the course he has chosen and the number of the class he is studying right now. The minute details of each subject is saved in this entity to get the information of the students who are reading this subject and the number of the faculties who are qualified to teach this subjects. The attributes of this entity are discussed below:
- Subject_ID: There are many types of subjects which are provided by the school therefore the system provides an identity number to each subject.
- Name: The name of every subject is saved in this attribute to bifurcate their accounts and the information.
- Assigned Teachers: Each subject is teaching by different faculties who are well qualified in the particular field which is saved in this attribute.
- Classes: The number of the classes and the type of the classes in which a particular subject is taught by the teachers is saved in this attribute.
5. Courses:
A school provides different type of courses based on the number of the classes running by the school. This entity saves the data of the accounts maintained for the different type of courses because the accounts information need to be managed in a manner through which the admin can access the data and simplify it for further provinces. There are certain other regions that can help in connecting the data of the courses offered by the school full stop the attributes and their details are discussed below:
- Course_ID: Every course is tagged with Unique Identity Number which system generated to bifurcate the accounts of each courses.
- Name: There is different type of courses offered by the school defining their benefits for the students and saving the name of each courses in this attribute.
- School Name: This attribute save the data of the name of the schools who provides different type of courses simultaneously.
- Fees: Different type of courses which are offered by the school requires different amount of fees from the students.
- Description: The details and description of each course which is offered by the schools are saved in this attribute
6. School:
There are many schools which are attached with the system so that the guardians and the user can get the information of these schools and taking the admissions in same. The school creates their individual accounts providing their information regarding the courses offered along with the seat details and the type of the faculties who teach certain subjects. It also mentions the fees which are taken by the school for different courses from the students to give them an idea off the fees. The related attributes are defined below:
- School_ID: Every school has different type of Identity Number which is generated by the system two distinct to their details of the accounts.
- Name: The registered name of each school is saved in this attribute which needs to be similar as per the registration notice of the education board.
- Contact No.: The contact number of each school is saved in this attribute to connect them if needed by any user or guardian for counseling.
- Email Address: The email address of each school need to be saved in the system for verification purposes.
- Address: The proper address of each School saved in this attribute for the authentication of the physical building.
- Type: The school type viz. girls, boys or co-ed is saved in this attribute to get an idea of the type of the school.
User Interface Diagram

The first display which appears in front of every actor is the login page which is quite similar for each actor but contains different tabs as per the type of the actors. The login page also passes the new user interface registration and the forgot password option for the entities who wants to create new password after forgetting the old one. The pages customizable as per the need of the customer and the new information added by the school itself.
After login into the system, the dashboard is a pear which contains different options for each entity that has created their accounts into the system providing the options as per the authority given by the management to each actor. The admin can access the accounts of other actors and he can also change the information contained in it. But in the same way another user cannot access the account of any admin because he is the supreme entity.
The information of the school is saved in the database of the system, this information can be seen on the interface of the student and their guardians along with the admin who can manage the school information as well as the accounts of students and guardians. This interface also provides the fees structure and the type of the courses for the time being.
Courses Offered
Every school provides different type of courses as per their need and the type of the student reciting nearby the school. The fee structure of each courses also different for different schools which are controlled by the management of the school and they can revise at annually. The Guardian and students can view the type of the courses and the description provided by the school along with the fee structure.
Each course contains different types of subjects based on the type of the courses offered for a particular field. This interface provides the information about the subject and the related faculties who will teach the subjects along with the details of the faculty’s qualifications and that experience they have since the past years. The data can be view by the students and their guardians in a simplified manner which is displayed by the user interface.
The courses offered by the school also charges fees as per the type of the courses because the School has to manage the type of the faculties for the subjects which are a part of the courses. The interface of the student and the Guardian provides information about the fees structure and also the information of how to pay the fees quarterly or yearly as it is decided by the management of the school.