The prison management system will sanction the jailor to keep the management of the jail intact. It sanctions the Staff to manage the data of each prisoner in the system along with integrating incipient of prisoner detail each time whenever they arrive in the prison.
It is additionally auxiliary for the jailor in inscribing the FIR of any malefaction which is committed by the malefactor. It additionally includes the information about the personal relatives of the malefactor. The sentinels can withal get their individual information in their accounts by the management.
The system is withal auxiliary in managing the detail of each prisoner along with the details of the jailor, the system will avail the jailor and distributing the obligations to each staff person and the Sentinels of the prison. It will decrement the time in managing the system in a simplified manner
The database is managed by the staff members and it is governed by the admin to provide any assistance whenever required. It withal avails the sentinels to maintain their individual account along with getting the salary and leave policy management information.
There are discrete prisons which are engendered to keep the prisoners away from the society. These prisons are managed by the jailors and withal include variant of penalizations for each prisoner. Some of them are very brutal killers so that the penalization should be very rigorous according to the malefaction they have committed.
Existing System
Recent period, the record of each malefactor if keeps in file format in the store room. It is very vulnerably susceptible because anyone can take advantage and misplace the official documents of each prisoner. The system is manual and requires staff to manage the documents of the malefactor.
It is not possible to consistently visually examine each record which is submitted in the store because they are in hard format which can be misplaced by any person ergo a system is required in which the information can be stored for longer period and with security.
The process of recording the information about any prisoner requires very much time due to the manual process. It additionally establishes a method which will consume time of the user and delay the process which is not good not only for the management but withal for the Prisoner as well.
Current System
The current system will sanction the staff to manage the data of each Prisoner into the database with the avail of the system. They can edit and expunge the information of each prisoner and retain it for longer period with safety.
The jailor can additionally delegate the obligations to the Sentinels and the staff with the avail of the system which require less time than the anterior one. The Sentinels and the staff will get the information about the shift in which they require to work in a particular week decided by the management.
It additionally avails in managing the circadian task of the staff and providing a brief report to the jailor sustaining their day-to-day activity. They can withal get information about the salary and leave policy management which is a crucial information needed to be preserved.
The system is managed by the admin entity that can access the accounts of other users in order to manage the data containing in it. There are certain users who are no longer part of the system their accounts are abstracted by the admin additionally.
Entity Relationship Diagram:

The prison management system will help the jailor in maintaining the information of each prisoner which is kept in that particular prison depending upon the crime which he has committed. The system will allow the jailor to sustain the information of each staff member along with the Prisoners who are kept in it. The diagram will show how the database is managed in the system with the help of the entities and their attributes because they will help in sustaining the system and bifurcating the information along with the other details which are needed to be saved in a different manner. The admin will manage the system and help every user in creating their own account by maintaining the database in it. The entities and their related attributes are defined below:
- Admin:
The whole system contains several types of information which will be created by the users everyday therefore a person is needed to maintain the decorum of the system while offering other activities so that the users can access their profile with the help of the admin because the admin can edit or delete the information in the account of the users who are attached to the system. There are certain other factors which are taken care by the admin himself so that the other user can access their account in a better way. This entity will hold the information of the admin and provide the separate account to each admin if the management proposes more than one person admin power. Related attributes are defined below:
- Admin_ID: Serial number is attached with the admin ID provided by the system itself to secure the data of the account.
- Name: This attribute will help in saving the name of each admin person according to their documents.
- Contact No.: The admin will provide his contact number so that the users can connect him whenever needed.
- Email Address: This attribute will save the email address of the admin so that the user can connect him.
2. Jailor:
The government will appoint a person to control the jail similarly to any other department open organization. The jail is controlled by the jailor who is the head person and controls the other staff members of the jail along with the Prisoners who are living in the jail. This entity will hold the information of the jailer who is appointed by the government. He will add his personal information by creating an individual account so that he can access the information of each prisoner along with the data of staff members. The jailer can also decide the task of staff members and reschedule their duty as per decided by the management. The jailor can also provide information about the task which is given to the staff members for a particular week for an interval of time. The related attributes are defined below:
- Jailor_ID: The system will provide an identity number to each jailor in order to sustain their information in the system.
- Name: The official name of the jailer needs to be saved in this attribute for documentation purpose.
- Contact No. It is necessary to keep the contact number of the head person of the jail in case of any emergency.
- Email Address: The jailer also provide his email address so that his superior can address him for any consequences.
- Qualification: It is very crucial to provide information about the qualifications of the particular jailor who has taken the charge of a particular jail.
- Residence: The permanent address of the jailor is saved in this attribute for verification purposes.
3. Prison:
There are different types of prisons created by the government to sustain the Prisoners far away from the society and normal people. The data of each prison is saved in this attribute to provide information to the user who has taken charge of the prison and want to get the information about the details of it. The entity will hold different account of the prism along with the Prisoners who are kept in it for different crimes. Some prisons are created to capture the Prisoners of high risk and some are created for low risk criminals. It totally depends upon the crime which is committed by the prisoner in which kind of Jail he needs to be captured. The related attributes are defined below:
- Prison_ID: Every prison is provided with an identity number which is unique to sustain their information.
- Name: The official name of the present decided by the government is saved in this attribute.
- Contact No.: The contact number of the present which is officially contacted by any person is saved this attitude.
- Location: The exact address of a particular prison is saved in this attribute to be located by any person.
- Email Address: there is also a team who manage the email address of a particular prison to provide notification and documentation of any legal legality.
- of Prisoners: Every prison is maintained to contain different number of prisoners as per its capacity which is defined in this attribute.
- Size: This attribute will contains information about the size of the prison which is mentioned by the government.
4. Guards:
The Prisoners are kept in different cells which are allocated to him as per the type of criminal find the type of crime they have committed. The Prisoner are needed to be keep an eye by the Guards who keeps position outside the cell of prisoner and take care of the Prisoners for any malicious activities which is done by the Prisoners. The guards can access their account which is kept in this entity and get the information about their duty of a particular week along with the shift time and the area of the Prison in which they need to guard. They can also get information about their salary and leave policy management by the superior and which information is provided in the account of each guard person. The related attributes are defined below:
- Guard_ID: Every guard who is on duty by the jailor is provided with an identity number by the system.
- Name: This attribute will hold the information about the guard official name as per his documents.
- Contact No.: It is very necessary to keep the contact number of each guard so that they can be contacted by the jailor in case of emergency.
- Residence: The residence address of each guard is saved in this attribute for verification purpose.
- Duty Hours: The guards will keep an eye on the Prisoners in different shift according to the duty timing they have provided by the management.
5. Prisoner:
There are so many type of people who commit different type of crimes each day and they are not preferable to live with the other people in the society therefore in order to punish them, They are sent to jail by the court as per the crime they have committed and according to the severity of the crime. This kind of people is keeping in different reason and tagged with Prisoners. Their individual accounts are created in the system with the help of this entity in which their details are allocated separately. Their accounts are maintained by the jailor of the particular prison. It also Provide the other details of the Prisoner along with the relative detail. The related attributes are defined below:
- Prisoner_ID: Every prisoner is attached with an identity number provided by the system.
- Name: The name of the Prisoner according to his documents is saved in this attribute.
- Contact No.: This attribute will hold the information about the contact number of the relatives of a particular prisoner.
- Email Address: This attribute will also provide the information about the email address on the relatives of the criminal.
- Residence: the permanent address of each prisoner is need to be saved and this attribute for verification purpose.
- Crime: It is necessary to save the information about the crime which is committed by the criminal.
- Punishment: The punishment which is decided by the court for each criminal is saved in this attribute.
- Relative’s Details: Every criminal’s relative details are needed to be saved in this attribute.
User Interface Model:

The user interface of the prison management system is created to manage the data of each criminal who is referred in a particular present for the punishment which he needs to do. The system is managed by the admin and every new criminal data is stored in the system by creating their personal account in the system which also holds criminals personal data. When every new prisoner comes to the prison, his separate account is created by the staff members. Regular update is also maintained by the staff members in whom the user interface will help them in their daily task.
The prison management system also provide different dashboard to the users so that they can do their daily work without any problem. The system is customizable by the management in order to provide new options which are added as for the need which comes in mind as for the experience of particular user while using the user interface. Only the admin can access the account of other users from his account. Any other user cannot access the account of other people for any purpose.
Writing FIR:
It is also very necessary to create a system in which the higher authority can write an FIR against any criminal on the spot which is attached to the court also in order to provide the information about the criminal case. The information about the FIR is also provided to the district magistrate by the jailor. There are certain other responsibilities which are conducted by the jailor. It is very necessary to provide the first FIR of the crime against the person who has committed in it.
Adding / Deleting:
The system is also capable to sustain the information of the users who are responsible to manage the system. The admin also manage to edit or delete the information regarding any user like guards and prisoners. The system helps in assembling this information about any actors who is responsible in managing the system.
- Guards: The user interface of the Guards will allow them to sustain the information about the Prisoners who are their responsibility. The system will also provide individual information of the Guards so that they can access their account at any point of time.
- Prisoners: There are so many prisoners in a particular prison whose individual accounts are created by the staff members in order to sustain their information related to their crimes they have committed and the relatives of each prisoner.
After to order given by the court, the Prisoners are kept in a particular prison depending upon the crime he has committed which information is provided to the jailer of a particular prison. It is very necessary to get the information about the Prisoner whether it is necessary to keep him with other Prisoner or alone. It totally depends upon the crime which he has committed in the society. This confirmation is done by the jailer and the upper level management of the government