The system will avail the owner of the restaurant in preparing the bill of each customer after providing the valuable accommodations by enhancing their experience for getting victuals from the restaurant. It will withal magnetize the customers because they will get supplemental benefits along with the accommodation provided by the restaurant.
It amends the quality of the victuals provided by the restaurant and withal magnetizes more customers which will increment the profit margin of the owner of the restaurant. The system will avail in managing the customer along with the staff member of the restaurant by preserving their data in the database of the system.
The system will withal sanction the customer to pay the amplitude of the items which are purchased by the customer through online mode by the avail of the account of the customer. The restaurant will provide good accommodation to the customer and prepare the items within the time limit and provide fresh and sultry aliment to the customer.
The system will amend employee’s potential while maintaining the database and withal avail in managing the customer which will decrement the complaint about the restaurant. The customer can additionally access the items of other restaurant from his account this supplemental feature will be provided by the system.
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Existing System of Restaurant Billing Management System
The customer need to visit the restaurant in the nearby area and then after he can provide the order from the menu provided by the restaurant which will circumscribe the access of the customer because he need to optate the items which are listed only in the menu card.
The system is very gradual and requires much time to prepare the items which are authoritatively mandated by the customer because it is taken through offline mode and manually by the waiter thereafter he will give the order to the Chefs in the kitchen to prepare for the items.
It will additionally decrease the quality of the aliment because the Chef has to manage not only the dishes but withal the orders which are provided by the customer this will decrement his efficiency.
Current System
The customer can inductively authorize the items from the menu card of the restaurant from his account and withal he can filter he restaurant and the dishes by the cull is provided in the system like price, category and the popularity and ranking of the aliment.
We can withal visit the restaurants which have amassed high-ranking by the customers who have experienced afore. The rating system will avail incipiently customers in culling a good restaurant as per the experience of the older customers. This will increment the popularity of a particular restaurant that will provide good accommodation to the customer.
The system will additionally provide cull of payment to the customer whether he can manage to pay the amount through online mode or as he can opt for cash option after preparing the items by the restaurant we can provide the payment in cash at the counter.
Entity Relationship Diagram of Restaurant Billing Management System

Explanation of Restaurant Billing Management System
People have a tendency to visit the restaurant at exact time of interval to celebrate any occasion or to eat out outside the home. There are so many people who visit the restaurant to dine in and it is very crucial for the owner to attend the customer in a well manner by providing great services by the help of the staff members. The system will help in managing all the customers along with taking their orders in a simplified manner. The diagram will represent the complexity of the system about how the data will be managed internally and can be provided to the entities whenever possible. Admin manage the system and sustain the information as a byproduct by managing all the accounts of the other users. The entities and the related attributes are defined below:
- Admin:
Restaurant billing system will help not only the restaurant but also the customers in getting a quality service. The whole system is entertained by the admin who is responsible for managing the account of all the actors attached to the system. Admin will help all the users to maintain their data in the system. The management will also help the admin but by providing All the authorities in order to provide access in every account of the system. Admin also sustain his personal information into the system and can manipulate the database in order to modify or delete the information. The attributes are defined below:
- Admin_ID: The system manager in providing and Identity Number to each admin person to sustain their account.
- Name: This attribute will hold the name of each admin who is the key entity to the system.
- Contact No.: Admin providers contact number to the system which is saved in this attribute.
- Email Address: The email address of the admin if saved in this attribute in order to connect with other users.
- Shift: Admin work in different shift if the management provides admin power to more than one person.
2. User:
The people who want to use the services of the restaurant are the users who will create an account in the system in order to provide booking order to the system so that the restaurant will manage the order and the price systematically with the help of the system. The user first register himself into the system thereafter he can get the information of different restaurants were attached with the system. After selecting the choice of restaurant we can grab the menu of the restaurant and selected item which needs to be added in the cart. After placing the order, he can also give the payment online through the system. The related attributes are defined below:
- User_ID: Every user possesses an Identity Number which is provided to him by the system at the time of registration.
- Name: The user will register them with a particular name which will be filled in this attribute.
- Contact No.: Every user contact number needs to be saved in this system to provide them information about their order placed.
- Email Address: The system will provide notification on the email address of the user when it is ready.
- Residence: The user will also provide his permanent address if you need the order to be delivered at home.
- Payment: The system will provide an opportunity to the user so that he can pay the amount through online mode.
3. Items:
The menu is decided by the restaurant which is based on the type of items which are in demand by the customers in the market. There are so many items included in different categories which are highly in demand by the customers. It will increase the profit margin of the restaurant and more users will give order in a particular restaurant. This entity will hold the information of all the items which are included in the menu of the restaurant by the owner. They are customizable as per the variance in the demand of the customer time to time. Also the price of each item will rise at a particular time of interview. The related attributes are defined below:
- Item_ID: Serial number is attached with each item which is a unique code to help the restaurant owner to understand the selected item.
- Name: In order to deliver the customer a good taste, the owner will give a unique name to each item.
- Description: This attribute will define the items how it is prepared and what kind of ingredients are used in it.
- Quantity: This attribute will hold the information of the quantity of the item which is purchased by the customer.
- Category: Every item belongs to a particular category depending upon the meal of the customer.
- Price: The price of each item is confirmed by the owner depending upon the ingredients which are used to make the item.
4. Restaurant:
The owner of each restaurant will provide the information about the restaurant to be created in the system so that the customer can provide their orders with the help of the system. The owner will create a unique menu which will include all the items which are in highly demanded by the customers in the market so that the profit margin of the restaurant will be increase which will benefit the owner. Customer will also provide rating to the restaurant from which they have taken a particular dish according to the taste and quality. This entity will also hold information of the restaurant along with the owner’s details which are defined in the attributes below:
- Restaurant_ID: When the owner registers the restaurant, it will provide with an Identity Number by the system.
- Name: The name of the restaurant which is considered by the owner is written in this attribute.
- Contact No.: The contact number of the restaurant where the customer can connect to provide order is saved this attribute.
- Email Address: Restaurant will also provide its email address where any customer can raise its query.
- No.: Every restaurant will get a registration number from the food Council of the state.
- Owner’s Detail: The owner will also provide its particular detail about himself which is saved in this attribute.
- Location: This attribute will hold the information of the exact location of the restaurant.
5. Bills:
The user will choose the items from the menu based on their personal selection and according to that taste they want to digest, the system will provide an estimate bill to the customer including the service charges and the charges of the items which are taken by the customer so that they can pay the amount through online mode with the help of the system. This entity will hold the information of each bill which is generated for a particular customer whenever he books an order from any particular restaurant including the information of the customer and the restaurant details. This will give an idea to the owner about how many bills are generated in a particular period of time. The related attributes are defined below:
- Bills_ID: Serial number of each bill according to the time at which the bill is generated is saved in this attribute.
- User Info.: the order is given by the user therefore his information is also printed on the bill of the items.
- Items_ID: The bill also includes the information of the items which are ordered by the customer.
- Restaurant Details: Items which are order from a particular restaurant therefore its detail need to be mentioned in the bill.
6. Payment:
The user will register him into the system providing a particular amount of information about him. After registering, he can search for the restaurant of his personal interest and search for the menu of the restaurant. After selecting the items of his choice, the system will provide an estimate amount of Bill to the customer whom he can pay from his account through online mode or else he can opt for cash option which he can provide at the end of the process. The payment will also include the service charges and the tax which is levied on a particular bill. It will enhance the time management ability of the system. The related attributes are defined below:
- Payment_ID: The system will provide an identity number to each payment which is done by the customer.
- User_ID: The payment will also include the information about the user who has given the payment.
- Grand Total: The system will estimate the total amount which is payable by the user for the restaurant.
- Taxes: The government will also charge tax from the customers who are using the services of the restaurant.
Method: The customer will pay the charges of the restaurant through online and offline mode as per his choice.
User Interface Model Restaurant Billing Management System

The login page of the restaurant billing system provide similar interface to the entire user who will access their account with the help of the login credentials provided by the system itself. They will get a user id and password whenever a user registers him into the system. The system will create an individual account for the user which he can access with the help of the provided login credentials. It is similar for all the actors who are responsible to connect with the system and provide the information in the database.
After logging into the system, each user will get a different interface depending upon the role which they play in the system. The admin will get superior priority because he has the higher authority in the system as he can manage the account of other users by accessing them. Dashboard will represent all the options which are necessary for a particular actor he access his account in the system. The management can add or delete new options from the dashboard as per the requirement of the actors who are attached to the system.
Select Items:
The customer places the order in the system by searching the type of restaurant from which they want to eat. The customer first login into their account thereafter they will select the items which they want to purchase and add it into the cart after selecting all the items they will place order which will be confirmed by the restaurant. The customer can also repeat this item selection from his previous history which is pre stored in his account.
Place Order:
The customer will select the items from the menu of the particular restaurant and they will place the order by raising a request which will forward to the owner of the restaurant by the admin after his approval, the kitchen of the restaurant will start preparing for the items which are included in the order placed by the customer. The customer can also edit or delete the items from the order before the preparation of items by the restaurant it will charge extra for the required service.
The system is capable enough to provide an estimated amount included in a bill to the customer charging for the items which are Selected by the customer from the menu of the restaurant it also include the tax which is provided on the customer on every bill generated by the restaurant on behalf of the customer. If the owner increases the price of the items then the system will also update the estimated amount in the will of the customer if he orders the item from the menu.
After placing the order by the customer, the request is forwarded to the restaurant owner by the admin for confirmation. The owner will confirm the order of the customer and providing an estimated time in which the order will be served in front of the customer. It will enhance the policy of the restaurant to get an idea about the estimated time taken while serving the food fresh and hot to the customer. When the whole process is complete, the restaurant will also send the bill copy on the email address of the customer for reference.